Third Person Shooter Kit - Cover system, Human AI, Paragon characters, QTE & new stuff is coming!

ok thanks. yea somehow I need to tie in the health reaching 0 to the character dying. Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So I got this part working , I called the " Player Get Damage " event and it took care of it so he dies at 0 health now . So for now some help with this >>>>>>>>>, I got a monster character with a claw melee attack. put him on the level , he senses TPP character and goes to him and swings claw attack on him. but does no damage and TPP character shooting him does no damage. is it difficult to setup so his claw attack can damage me , and my shooting can damage him?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------would be appreciated. thanks

Third Person Shooter Kit is now compatible with version 4.20 of Unreal Engine.

Please use some better formatting!

Look inside of BP_ThirdPersonShooterAI and look for Receive X Damage? variables. Work from there regarding character not damaging the enemy.

Iā€™ve attached screen shot with parameters

You can use Blueprintā€™/Game/ThirdPersonKit/Blueprints/BP_Button_Panel.BP_Button_Panelā€™ for it.
Check how it is done in features level, section 26.A

Please use some numeration.
Question 1 - did you setup correctly bones names for tracing?
Check this video:

Question 2 - I donā€™t quite know what you do. If you want to damage player, call dispatcher ā€œPlayer get damageā€ If you want player kill instantly, just put very high value for damage.

yea for the timer countdown I called player get damage and thatā€™s all good and working. For the claw character I havenā€™t done anything , it was free , comes with some AI in it already , so I just put it on the level and it already walks around , sees tpp character , chases him and attacks with claw swing. it just that it donā€™t do any damage to tpp character , and if I shoot him , it donā€™t do any damage to it. So I am trying to figure how to get the two characters to hit and damage each other. Iā€™m thinkin in some ways it may be similar to the Zombie AI tutorial. at least parts of it.

So you just put enemy AI from other project? It wonā€™t work that way. It has to inherit from AI from my project, like zombie does. It has to have same collision setup and so on.

Hamster did you include the patch for destructibles?

well he comes with all the anim blueprints and everything and he already reacts to the tpp character and chases and attacks him. I mean , the zombie originally came from somewhere else also.but you made him attack character.i have the collisions set up the same, his mesh is a blocking volume for me, just his swinging claw arm goes through me. he smart enough to go around things. I got him from the Community Content, Tools and Tutorials section of the forums. He is this >>>>>>>> ASSETS] [FREE] AAA Quality Horror Game Monster (Animations and AI Included)]([FREE] AAA Quality Horror Game Monster (Animations and AI Included) - Community Content, Tools and Tutorials - Unreal Engine Forums)

Thatā€™s odd. Does you new mesh has correct physical asset?

Hmm yeah, I was doing some updates for it like almost a year ago I guess.

what physical asset should I be looking for? And where?

In skeletal mesh editor.
Collision for skeleton are based on this.

ok so the claw monster should match the PA_Mannequin asset?>>>>>>>>>>>>he is set to ā€œnoneā€ in physics asset. if I change it to PA_Mannequin or any other , I cant get with 20 feet of him , there then is some kind of blocking volume , like an invisible wall. When he comes after me , my character just gets pushed away from him.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Thatā€™s weird , I got timer bp that kills TPP character after set amount of seconds in it. I put the claw monster over it , and he will trigger the timer on overlap. when it hits zero , the TPP character dies. and iā€™m not even it it.

Every skeleton should have different physical asset. It wonā€™t match because itā€™s different skeleton, with different bones.
To create physical asset, right click on skeletal mesh, and creat and assign -
Hereā€™s broad video about physical assets -

ok I will give it a shot today. thanks

well , when I set him to SK _ Mannequin physics it does the same thing , cant get within 20 feet of him, but I created and assigned on him and it assigned him " Demon Physics asset" (I guess he is a demon ) , so when he connects correctly with claw swing , he has knocked me across the room , so I guess its working , at least somewhat.

Then in physical asset disable collisions for claw bones. Detection for melee attacks is done through tracing anyway.

The trace settings , are those in the anim blueprint. Or could they need to be added? All of the swing attack logic seems to be in the anim blueprint as there is none in the demon bp that i can see. But i can only see state machines and stuff in the anim bp .Wonder if it is his shoulder that is knocking me back now , because in the viewport the character is bigger than the capsule , especially. His arm and claw when it swings.

well I got it functioning where the player takes damage from demon, with an overlap and player get damage. is there a way for player to shoot demon ? , where demon is his own bp , not sharing the AI bp like in zombie tutorial.I set up a demon health and added a widget to display it . tpp player bullets pass right through demon. Thatā€™s as far as I got so far.