There is still light after setting intensity to zero of a light component

Hi, I have a small lightning problem. I’m using the default wall lamp mesh and a point light next to it in a scene. After certain events in the scene, light from this point light should be gone because of the script of the game. I did this in the blueprint, reference to this point light, then target it to the point light component and then set intensity to 0. Problem is, blueprint works perfectly fine and light goes off but there is still some light there. Something produces very low light but I couldn’t figured it out.There is no any other light component near it or there is nothing like emissive in the mesh’s material. I think setting intensity to zero doesnt enough to make the light completely gone. I’ve tried ‘Destroy Actor’ node too, nothing changed. Also, product quality building didn’t do anything. Thank you.

Couple of questions -

Could you post the Details for your light? A screen grab of the Details panel would be great.

Is the wall set to Static, Stationary, or Movable?

Is there a Sky Light object in your world?

Are you using a persistent level with streamed sub-levels? Or just one level without level streaming?

Wall is set to Static, as well as all other meshes that effected by this problem with another same light in different location.There are two lights like this and both acts same way when their intensity is set to 0.
Yes there is a SkyLight object and it’s intensity is 1.
Just one level without level streaming.
Details of light attached.

Would you be able to delete the skylight object, rebuild your light, and try again, just as a test? As the same time, try removing the 2nd light so that there is only 1 in the level. If you’re still getting some light, is there a way you can post a test project?

Actually, the effect after I delete the light or set it’s intensity to zero kind of looks like a Sky Light object effect. You may be right about that. But if this is the case than there is something wrong. I mean, there has to be a way to make this light effect completely gone without deleting Sky Light. And also, there has to be a way to do this without deleting the second light. Because nobody should be pushed to have one light in their level. I’m not an expert in Unreal, but messing around with it for months now and I think this is all about one tick in somewhere or a value to be set to something to fix this. I think it’s this easy, but I don’t know. Thank you for your time and suggestions to detect what is causing the problem, but I will pass and wait for another tick or value wise suggestion.

I solved the problem by setting lights’ locations to under landscape after certain events in the game rather than setting their intensity to 0 or destroying them. By that, I achieved the goal.

Sorry for the confusion. I wasn’t suggesting those things as a solution, but instead as just a temporary test to determine where the light was coming from. Once we had pinpointed where the light was coming from, we could focus on a solution. But glad you found a workaround.


After about an hour wrestling with a similar issue, and no luck using the above answer, I discovered it’s in fact related to the “Indirect Lighting Intensity,” if you set this to 0 it doesn’t affect the light in game, but stops any traces left behind when you destroy it.

I know this is an oldish thread, but it might save someone a headache later.