The VRM character is too bright

The VRM character is too bright. Like a picture

The lights in the room are off.

The character emits light on its own.

I want this character to be influenced by the lighting in the room.
To make it look more like 3D.

Hi @DylnHonol!

Have you checked your character’s materials? Do the materials themselves have any emission? That may be what is causing your issue at a glance. Here is the official documentation on Emissive Materials:

Unreal Engine Documentation: Using the Emissive Material Input

Any more information you can provide about your model and materials will help solve your problem!

Thank you for your answer.
I checked the material, but I couldn’t solve the problem.

And solved the problem.
When loading the VRM file, the rendering method was modified.

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What option did you changed, because i have the same issue and can not find a solution … thanks in advandge

How did you deal with this problem? What setting did you change?

(post deleted by author)

When import, use SSS profile as Material type. (using default lighting on UE5) If that lighting is not you wanted, check out the other options on VRM4U documentation