The Unreal Marketplace Improvement and Feedback Thread

I don’t know of anyone actually reads this but my suggestion is to add a sorting mechanism on the marketplace where we can sort assets based on the number of 5 stars they recieved

Are you planning to add subscriptions? Some plugins and assets need to be updated with new features from time to time, but there is no additional revenue for this work. It’s wrong for a user to buy an asset in one go, but the developer should keep that asset up to date and working continuously for a one-time fee.


A few things I would love to see as a seller on the marketplace.

  1. The ability to hand out keys to users, either for testing purposes, or gifting purposes.
  2. The ability to have coupon/discount codes at our disretion.
  3. Improved ability to sort through the reports page on a per-product basis.
  4. A simple way to showcase/document updates/patch notes for users.
    Thank you!


I 100% agree with this. I WOULD LIKE TO go into full-time plugin dev but due to no subscription it is barely possible.