The Unreal Marketplace Improvement and Feedback Thread

I’m sure thread is full of awesome, haven’t really looked back but is there any status on a wishlist with notifications if something on your wish list goes on sale and a filter by your wishlist? As someone is currently trying to go the indie route and working myself atm, I find myself hitting the marketplace up quite a bit. Having a wishlist like steam would make the entire process so much easier for me to keep a list of items I’m interested in when I have the funds available to purchase.

Typically I would not complain, but Epic needs to fix it review process and speed. I follow a bunch of authors that submit asset packs on both the unity store and unreal store at the same time. It almost a month to 2 months before the same pack is available here on the Unreal Marketplace. is ridiculous to me why does it take so long on your side these are not first time authors. Some of these authors have multiple assets on your store and should either get a fast lane or have a max time they need to wait. It seems ridiculous that assets I want to buy are options else where but takes months for them to appear on store and it the approval process holding them up. I should not consider wanting to buy them else where because epic going to take 2 months approving a asset pack.

Oh yes, generally being able to categorize our assets, is basic design philosophy.

Yet here we are still waiting for such basic features.

Make sure to always rate it. can be done on the launcher. I’ve been burned on the marketplace, and dropped a 1 star. I didn’t rant about it because some of the great packages I got made up for all of the bad stuff. It’s a great place for a lot of things. Some really small blueprints should’nt be in there. When someone uses the word template or kit. it gives an impression of it being something bigger, and it being like a component you can add to your character. I think it would be better to use the word example. So people don’t feel mislead. If I bought a user interface kit. I would expect a bunch of different type of user interfaces. Not just a customize example. Of Your game here, and press play.

Hi guys, I have serious problem with my submission. It’s been approved on the May 15th, and I still don’t get any answer, no one respond to my emails also.

If there is anyone from Epic Games who reads , I will be very appreciate for helping me. My account: Assets3D

Hi guys, I have serious problem with my submission. It’s been approved on the May 15th, and I still don’t get any answer, no one respond to my emails also.

If there is anyone from Epic Games who reads , I will be very appreciate for helping me. My account: Assets3D

Well, in Marketplace terms, that is pretty recent. If you don’t here anything by November then it might be unusual.

What is the average wait time in your experience, ? My environment package was approved May 17th and i’m still waiting with no replies from Epic rep.

Too bad they didn’t have a release schedule posted for marketplace items.

Hi guys, I have serious problem with my submission. It’s been approved on the May 15th, and I still don’t get any answer, no one respond to my emails also.

If there is anyone from Epic Games who reads , I will be very appreciate for helping me. My account: Assets3D

You are not alone Roshondas: Epic should answer emails. - Marketplace - Epic Developer Community Forums

Please make <li> available again for plug-in descriptions. It is a pain in *** for me to look for an alternative.

Please give us tags so people can find our content. Please release more items per week. It is really disappointing when half of the content released in a week is composed of icon packs. Make the front page longer to accommodate more released content? Please consider categorizing plugins by purpose of the plugin, rather than relegating it the ‘plugins’ category. Other assets don’t get shoved into a ‘meshes’ category, they are divided into ‘props,’ ‘characters,’ etc. based on the asset’s purpose. Plugins related to characters should be in ‘characters’, plugins for environment design should go to the ‘environments’ category.

There have been small bug for some months. When buying assest, I always need to restart launcher before the asset download works. Else nothing happens when pressing the “add to project”/“create project”

There have been small bug for some months. When buying assest, I always need to restart launcher before the asset download works. Else nothing happens when pressing the “add to project”/“create project”

Yeah I came across that recently myself. Had a customer with the too.

Add a small column on the marketplace main-page with as “Random Assets” it will help increase the overall sales on marketplace


I don’t know if is feasible, but how about a beta content option in the market place?

By I mean that when a content creator updates their existing item on the market place (so it will have been reviewed by the Market Place team in a prior version) it will be released without review, but it will only be accessible/visible to those market place buyers who have “Allow Beta Content” checked in their launcher preferences.

When a user tries to download/install any beta content a message would display along the lines of Firefox’s Here be dragons warning:

" content has not passed approval by Epic Games etc. etc. etc. use it at your own risk"

way if you’re willing to take the risk, you can get the updated content as soon as it’s submitted by the creator as opposed to as soon as it passes review, but you have to weigh up the risks associated with using non-approved content in your game/engine up until it passes the review process.

Also, as has been mentioned previously in the thread it would be nice if we had the option to download code plugins as opposed to installing them to engine. was especially frustrating the other day when I bought a plugin that hadn’t been updated since 4.15 and had to download the whole 4.15 launcher engine just to download one plugin (or have I missed a way of getting them without the precompiled engine?).

Again as with the beta content suggestion, I had to weigh up the risks of using out of date plugin in a newer engine version.

[=“Daniel_Skipper_Games, post:619, topic:22096”]


I don’t know if is feasible, but how about a beta content option in the market place?

By I mean that when a content creator updates their existing item on the market place (so it will have been reviewed by the Market Place team in a prior version) it will be released without review, but it will only be accessible/visible to those market place buyers who have “Allow Beta Content” checked in their launcher preferences.

When a user tries to download/install any beta content a message would display along the lines of Firefox’s Here be dragons warning:

" content has not passed approval by Epic Games etc. etc. etc. use it at your own risk"

way if you’re willing to take the risk, you can get the updated content as soon as it’s submitted by the creator as opposed to as soon as it passes review, but you have to weigh up the risks associated with using non-approved content in your game/engine up until it passes the review process.

Also, as has been mentioned previously in the thread it would be nice if we had the option to download code plugins as opposed to installing them to engine. was especially frustrating the other day when I bought a plugin that hadn’t been updated since 4.15 and had to download the whole 4.15 launcher engine just to download one plugin (or have I missed a way of getting them without the precompiled engine?).

Again as with the beta content suggestion, I had to weigh up the risks of using out of date plugin in a newer engine version.

MP team already said they don’t fully review the update, here is from
Updates to already released packs don’t get a full review, they get a quick test to make sure that nothing is broken on download or with the sending of your files. That’s a quick open and peek around. Once a pack is released it’s up to you to keep your promise to your buyers on what you’re selling. You’re still going to have to e-mail in the content updates for now but that’s another piece we’re working on alleviating as well with functionality and policy review.
However, having a place for unapproved new releases isn’t a bad idea either. MP team could make sure it doesn’t have any errors and publish it there then do a full review afterwards and publish it on main marketplace. Or just adding [Unapproved] tag and having a filter in MP would work as well. That way it would be possible to get your content to marketplace quickly, people would still buy from their favorite sellers even if it is [Unapproved] and MP team could review everything without backlash from people while keeping high quality for approved content.

I wish it was really easy but we may be overlooking some important aspects which only MP team can see; hence, not implementing any of the above :wink:

Any other code plugin creator experiencing long delays in the processing of updates? I sent an update of my plugin Journeyman’s Minimap shortly after 4.17 went live, to fix deprecation warnings. I sent it on Aug 14. It hasn’t been processed nor replied to. Code plugins still have to be manually processed sadly.

reflects badly on my appearance as creator. Some potential buyers reached out to me to check whether I am still updating the plugin, because they expected a 4.17 version by now. That’s painful when its been ready for 4 weeks, just not processed. I am working on new features too, but as it looks I will have to tell people “New X is done, but I have no idea when you will have access to it!”.

I replied to my marketplace ticket a few times already. Anyone else have the same? And can an Epic staffer perhaps explain why its taking so long?

There is an with sorting most recent assets in the new content tab of the marketplace.
Assets, that became visible more recently, are sorted in between asset that have been visible from before.
it’s hella annoying if you ask me, I don’t even want to bother anymore to pick out the new assets from between the older assets.
it’s also bad for the people who actually release the assets.
it should be fairly simple to tell the marketplace system that it should sort by the release time, not submission time or whatever it is sorting for. so why is happening?

[=“, post:625, topic:22096”]

There is an with sorting most recent assets in the new content tab of the marketplace.
Assets, that became visible more recently, are sorted in between asset that have been visible from before.
it’s hella annoying if you ask me, I don’t even want to bother anymore to pick out the new assets from between the older assets.
it’s also bad for the people who actually release the assets.
it should be fairly simple to tell the marketplace system that it should sort by the release time, not submission time or whatever it is sorting for. so why is happening?

Agreed!!! I have to search through every page now to see whats new. What a pain in the butt.

Probably the best improvement would be shortening the time of submission testing :slight_smile:
I send submission on 14 july by email and still - no answer :frowning:
Also i send submission by account interface on 2 september and i really hope it would not took soooo much time to test it.