Cheers! Also there is a discrepancy between the Marketplace browsing in the Launcher and on the website, eg. in Launcher Marketplace you can’t see reviews and stuff like that? Unity has the unified system where whether in-game or on a web browser their Asset Store is quite consistent.
Keep up the nice work.
Thanks! And yessir, bringing all the web Marketplace features to the launcher is something that’s currently in development and will be rolling out in the near future. Outside of the seller portal (which we’re testing right now), that’s at the top of my personal wishlist because it’ll let us do even cooler things with layout, custom categories (by theme instead of asset type, for example), and embedded media.
Would love to see more “written documentation” vs. “video documentation”, we all have our likes and dislikes, but I find for myself that Video is much slower to use, than Text is to read. Due to the amount of stopping and restarting, and secondly because the mind is just not as active, when watching someone “drone” on about something, making mistakes, laughing about it, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against Video, and do find them useful, but when I’m in a hurry (which seems like I always am), Text is a better way to go at least for me.
I’m with you in that I’m more of a text guy than a video guy. I’ll mention to people submitting content that people have different preferences for how they get their tutorial content, and especially that tight editing of videos is a good thing. Ultimately it’s going to be up to them, but I’ll encourage them to ask the community which format they prefer to see what’s best for them. Thanks for the feedback!
Why there are no filter in unreal epic launcher for market place ? i want to filter it to see only the free or by price or i just want to see the new stuff ? pls to make a filter in epic launcher and the market place form ion webpage . waiting your answer epic team …
Hi mhnoni! Developing customizable filters is in our wishlist, and it’s one I’m pushing for personally because I know how useful those can be. I don’t have a date for when we’ll have those in place, but I have some other ideas that will help accomplish similar functionality that I’m working on rolling out sooner. Thank you!
No need to thank me, thank. While it may seem like it takes a bit of time from our perspective, they are working very hard and diligently on many things behind the scenes. =)
Thanks man! We definitely are. Currently testing the seller portal for a release in the very near future. We’re in the home stretch on it, and are dotting every last ‘i’ and crossing all the 't’s. Ensuring a solid user experience upon initial release is super tricky, so we’re trying to make as bulletproof as possible for everyone once we open the floodgates. All the testing and dev prior to release is why we keep postponing the five-day flash sale, to make sure each gets its proper testing and attention during our social media news blast when each is released to the public.