The Unreal Marketplace Improvement and Feedback Thread

I support all of you & your reasonable requests, I share all of your requests.

[=“rackley, post:1090, topic:22096, full:true”]
Please ban the practice of gating documentation by requiring a “verification”. Essentially what a vendor will do is post their documentation on a private discord channel and require you to post a review or question to get access their Discord.

I understand requiring for support but it’s been a day after I purchased an asset and I still can’t use it because I did the original verification wrong and I’m still waiting on the vendor. Also, it leads to massive spam in the Question/Review sections on the asset page.

I would also like banned, and am also tired of the spam comments and necessity of using a gated third party server application to access necessary documentation.

[=“anon42349820, post:1091, topic:22096, full:true”]
Stop banning Seller accounts just because you banned a family member.

WE ARE DIFFERENT PEOPLE with different individual contracts.

That sounds totally unfair, even considering that could happen to roommates the same building or people sharing the same IP.

[=“Calrizien, post:1092, topic:22096, full:true”]
Can we pleeeease get a wishlist longer than 50 items?!!! I’m tired of having to delete stuff from it every time.

Please take my money lol if it’s on my wishlist I buy it.

I’ve been wanting and asking for even before we ever got the wishlist in the first place, It is unbelievable we still can only wishlist 50 items. Would also make Epic more money because if customers can easily access a list of items they WANT to buy, obviously Epic stands to gain from it.

[=“LordPosix, post:1093, topic:22096, full:true”]
Hi, please add a filter or tag “NOT OWNED” to the marketplace, it is so annoying to go through pages and pages of already owned content.

I’ve also been wanting .

[=“demagoggles, post:1094, topic:22096, full:true”]
Assets I got are now being listed as “unavailable”. In a search I came up with : Unable to download new purchased assets from marketplace.

That is, once you go over 1000 assets, new ones become unavailable, and you apparently need to create a new account if you want new assets?

That thread ended with a plea to fix that problem 1 year ago. Is still a bug that happens every time? If so, then I’m posting here that should be fixed ( / should have been fixed years ago). But if has been fixed, than what else might the problem be?

Edit: To follow up on , when I exited from the Epic Launcher and restarted it, the packs that said “unavailable” became available again. I also saw some old threads talking about . (Also I don’t have anywhere near 1000 items from the Marketplace yet.) It’s curious, but at least I can download them now.

Considering I’m approaching the number mentioned here, I’m really concerned I will also encounter limit, and I can’t believe it hasn’t been fixed in nearly 2 years. Epic is going to LOSE money from such a limit, if you can’t access the things you’ve bought on the same account, you lose incentive to purchase new items!

[=“Megurine, post:1096, topic:22096, full:true”]

  • Increase wislist limit
  • Reactive price display in wishlist please, thank you. :slight_smile:

Support. Would also make Epic more money because if customers can easily access a list of items they WANT to buy, obviously Epic stands to gain from it.

[=“_408_8, post:1097, topic:22096, full:true”]
There are a lot of contents in my repository, so it is difficult to find the resources I want quickly. Can I add the self-defined group display function in the future update plan?

That would be a VERY useful .

[=“sukovf, post:1098, topic:22096, full:true”]
I’d like to see country and the preferred language of people who bought my product :+1:. Right now, the only thing I can see is a total amount of sold copies each day and my net profit.

Any extra metrics would be useful both for sellers and buyers.

[=“Eru_Ellimist, post:1100, topic:22096, full:true”]
QoL : “Update Available” filter for Vault List

Very useful & needed .

[=“Eru_Ellimist, post:1103, topic:22096, full:true”]
I would also take an “Update All” or “Queue All Updates” button if it would be easier to implement…

Very useful & needed .

[=“Slick_Ace, post:1104, topic:22096, full:true”]
One of the biggest problems i have with the unreal engine market place is hiw the mix in things you already own with stuff you dont have.

The example ill use is the free category. I try to pick up anything thats free just to have it at my disposal when i may need it. The problem is if you click free then free again to show everything then it will list them all but not seperate the previously owned ones from new ones.

I end up a few times a month clicking show 100 items per page and going threw all 9 pages to make sure i didnt miss anything.

I try to list then newest to oldest but that didnt help. Just take a look at the aqua pack. If you list it as new to old then it ends up on the last page.

Idelly it would be nice to list all unowned assests first then add ones that we own after that or at least newly added to the free category first and keep them in that order for the new to old category instead of date of publication for the.

I dont mind going threw them all but it would speed up my weekly ritual.

That would be very useful and would actually make Epic more money if customers could filter out things they already own in the store!