The UEFN session is not launching in Fortnite...

Every time I click the “launch session” button, UEFN checks the files and prepares to launch, but does not do anything. I waited to see if Fortnite would load the session, but nothing is still happening. The only way to test my game is to make a privaate version and enter the code in Fortnite. Does anyone have the same issue and how do you fix this?

Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!
For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form

has there been any update to this? i have this same issue, where i cant get UEFN to Launch a session.