The player collision bug with "primitive shapes".

Reference ID


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I’ll explain: when I launch the game or use a private code, the players go through all the props. Of course, I’ve checked the collision settings for the props and the player collision visibility option, and there are no problems. I had to temporarily place invisible barriers to block the issue, but I’m having memory problems, so I need to delete them eventually.

Steps to Reproduce

To obtain the bug, you simply need to start a session or launch a private game.

Expected Result

That the player does not pass through the props

Observed Result

The players are passing through the props, which prevents publication.



Island Code


Hello Matthieu,

I just placed down ‘Primitive Shapes Gallery’ and ‘Primitive Shapes Gallery B’

All assets look to have collision.

Are there specific meshes you’re not seeing collision on?

The status of FORT-729108 incident has been moved from ‘Unconfirmed’ to ‘Needs Triage’.

no we only use the primitive Shapes

Which primitive shapes are you using?

I just tried with these, but did not reproduce your issue.

If you’re using meshes that you imported, you may need to open them and add collision.

I use this from Fortnite, in the gallery, and the problems following this bug I have invisible walls but it makes the memory too large

Which gallery meshes are you seeing problems with?

It’s not clear to me how this would be related to memory limits.

Another way that you can see collision/invisible walls is with the ‘Player Collision’ viewmode.

I have already done this and everything is correct

knowing that this is the same as normal

Thanks for the Image,

Which primitive shape meshes are you using to construct that? (I’m wondering if there is a mistranslation here…)

Either you are using assets that come with Fortnite, in which case if you give me their name I can check them. OR you are using assets that you imported - which then could have their own custom collision settings.

I think normally players should collide with objects that have been ‘flipped’ by scaling them by a negative value, but I wonder if any of these have a negative scale value?

Here is the premitive that I used with its parameters
Uploading: image.png…

Thanks for that,

I placed a ‘Cube Cobalt Blue’ into the level and was able to stand on it + collide with it.

(I also tried scaling it to 4x like you have in your screenshot)

It’s interesting that there is also a ‘Cube Cobalt Blue 4x’ actor in Fortnite, Maybe you could try resetting the scale and replacing it with that mesh to see what happens.

Do you have any custom settings on the mesh? (It’s possible to turn off collision manually, and this would show that.)

So, I tried to use the object you told me, it didn’t change anything.

here are 2 screens of what you told me

So it looks like you’re now selecting ‘PrimitiveShape10833’…

The Cobalt cube you just showed does not have a ‘ToyOptionsComponent’, so now I’m wondering what this new type of entity is. (Some sort of Color-Picker enabled cube?)

Let me know what mesh I’d need to place into the level to see the collision bug.

Well that’s the problem, everything about my map is the problem, there’s someone laughing and the same in their parameters


That looks like a mesh that’s been created with the Modeling tools.

If you open that up and it has zero collision primitives - that is your problem.

You can easily auto-generate box collision.

the problems are fortnite props we cannot change what you told us

Hmm… So you’re saying if you double click on ‘Box_602CC696’ it does not open the static mesh viewer?

If you hover your mouse over that box, what directory does it say it is in?

I don’t have a collision like you and I can’t modify anything it tells me “Read only”