Thank You For UE4 !

Thank You for UE4… For Free!

Wow, Epic, you are all amazing!

The gift of UE4 to the whole world?!

I am positive that is going to lead to a brighter happier world, as people are able to develop games using UE4 so easily!

Epic you’ve made a move to benefit the world that is simply astonishing!

Thank You For UE4!

So glad to hear you’re happy about the decision. We’re excited to see all of the new projects that get started! Good luck to all of you out there!

** Thank You Nvidia and Epic for Physx 3.3
Holy Wow!

PhysX source code for all UE4 Developers?!

Thank you so much Nvidia and Epic!

You’ve just launched a new Era in Game Development!

Yeah, even the fact Epic developers are checking out the forums and reading comments in here makes it really . You actually bother about the community and what we have to say. is NOT the case with all engine communities or platforms. Big respect for that! Keep it going. UE4 love!

Thank You for UE4!

Thank you for UE4 for free Epic!





Thanks for everything. UE4 is an amazing engine, and even more amazing now that it’s free.

I remember back a couple of years i downloaded UDK 3 or something, but unfortunately i didn’t made it very far, last year i was almost done with subscribing, but didn’t. Now, last week a friend alerted me about the news, Unreal is has now free. Im so glad i went through learning curve, Unreal is just ! Thanks!

Hey guys! I’m with you) - Want to salut you Epic - because Unreal Engine is unreal good engine to me for creating games!

Thank You Epic!

UE4 is so much fun!


PS: lest you suspect, Epic is not paying me to post .

is actually how I, feel!

is a great place to thank Epic for stuff they did right!

Thank you Epic!


Thank you epic for the amazing engine !!! and thank you for your incredibly useful tutorials (and many other things) :slight_smile:

Thank you Epic. You have given me countless ours of enertainment with UE4, UDK, All of the games you guys have made. Thanks!
P.S. I remember ZZT :slight_smile: ( I guess that thanks is for Sweeny.) And all those games you published. :slight_smile: Let us not Forget Epic MegaGames.

Yes, is good. Thank You all at Epic, so very much. Literally changing my life, making so much possible.


Thank You Epic for the UE4 Profiler

I recently learned how I can use the UE4 Profiler to count the CPU cycles of individual blocks of my project-level C++ code.

I’ve written a full wiki and forum thread about it!

How to Count CPU Cycles of Individual Block of Your C++ Code Using UE4 Profiler

If you didnt know, the UE4 Profiler is a graphical user interface profiling tool in the Editor that is very easy to use yet very powerful for helping you optimize your project!

Thank You Epic for extremely valuable and polished tool!

What else is there to say than: Thank you Epic!

I had to come back and say thank you again!

Thank you Epic, you are epic.

You’re welcome, and thanks to all of you for using UE4 and being a key part of building community!

thx for that,

I’m sure will be glowing with happiness when he sees your reply :wink:

I am still in awe of all the recent events, but can honestly say thanks! and thanks to all at Epic! keep it up cuz I want more, lol :cool: