Can someone please point me to a guide for setting up the textures and transparents needed to do eyelashes, eyebrow, eyes, hair etc for a makehuman char. I am completely new to texturing in UE4, but I had them working fine in blender, I just cannot find the same options/nodes. Thanks in advance for any help. In blender it was Invert, Difuse, Transparent bsdf, add shader stuff like that to get the textures to show up right, so where/how can I do this in UE4?
One moment I will show you how…
Awesome! Thank you very much for a response I will await your knowledge =)
Hi Phrostguard,
I actually made a tutorial about this on youtube but never went into detail about how to get textures like hair seen correctly.
Here are some screenshots on how to get you started. The first image applies if you have enabled global illumination (LPV). If you do not turn off cast shadow the editor will most likely crash. Or you can change the material to unlit and plug your texture into the emissive plug. This works too but your characters eyes may glow in the dark. Good if you are making a vampire or something.
The second pic is how you get the eyelashes and eyebrows to look how they did in Blender. For the eyes don’t check “two sided” but for like eyelashes check it so it can be seen at all angles, eyebrows I guess don’t matter much. Make sure to change your material from opaque to translucent. This confused me a bit to because I was looking for an actual node for translucent like Blender.
Hope this helps, if you have any other questions let me know.
No problem. Here is a link to my youtube channel
I have a couple short tutorials, just vids showing how I do stuff like blender import, changing existing material colors and custom convex collision. But if you look at my Subscriptions, pretty much everyone on there is filled with tutorials. Tesla Dev, TeamProSkill, Peter L. Newton, Muhammad A. Moniem the list is to long to list everybody but everyone has something special to offer. You will find plenty of info there.
Also Knobbynobbles made a HUGE database of almost every tutorial made called Unreal News Mega Collection here’s the link!
It might be overwhelming at first
Keep me posted with your progress.
Thank you so much that did the trick! I can’t believe how easy that was >.< Again thanks so much I was going nuts on this lol, also could you tell me what to search to find your guides on youtube I would love to check them out!
Holy Moly that is a HUGE DB indeed and totally awesome! I have only had so much luck with trying different search strings to find things to learn from, but this is more than enough to keep me busy! Thanks again so very much, I got the hair,eyes,brows and lashes showing up correctly thanks to you! Now I can move on to trying out 3rd person stuff, fun fun! I will be sure to speak up if I get stumped again.
Thanks a lot… this was so so helpful