Hello Everyone,
I am currently testing Unreal engine, and I have some issues with textures contrast.
While they look alright in lit areas, they look extremly over contrasted (in luminosity, color saturation doesn’t change) in areas that are dark and/or only lit by the ambiant light. Some areas are even so contrasted that you see pure black with absolutely no details in parts of the texture!
It only does it in Unreal and not in the other engine I was using before.
As Unreal doesn’t support standard ambiant light, I have tried to fake it using an ambiant cubemap in the post process, or by using a skylight, but both gives the exact same result.
It doesn’t seem to come from the post process, as I have tried by disabling them all. I don’t really think it comes from the material neither, as I have tried with basecolor only and it’s exactly the same.
As our level are pretty big, the lights are fully dynamic (I have tried the meshes/textures in particle demo, and baked the lights, but it’s the same also)
You can check the 2 attached pictures, you really see the contrast problem on the 2nd one on the left (bottom of the wall completly dark and burned, high contrast on the stone beams etc…)
Do you have any idea from where it comes from, and how to correct this?
Thanks in Advance for your help!