
** Template 1.0**

So here I propose a template to easily develop for the on UE4.

Video I made of this: Hololens 1.0 Template for Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube
(note that the spatial mapping is not excellent near a pool and during the night… that’s why the holograms are a little shacky)

A very important note: This is based on an branch of Unreal currently and actively developed by a very dedicated Microsoft team.
For version 1.0, gesture are not enabled yet and spatial mapping is used with limitations.
Expect a rapid development while we’ll follow the team and enable features after features.
I’ll try to do my best to speed up the development, but hey the goal here is to put the community talents together to
finally have a well-working, fully-enabled template.
This will be also very handy for Windows Mixed-Reality HMDs which are
coming to us in a near future.
However I keep a focus an since I personnaly think that spatial mapping and hand-gestures recognition is the future of VR/AR.

Files can be found at Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.
GitHub version at Proteus VR · GitHub (you need to be logged to Github to open the link)
AUGUST 1[SUP]st[/SUP], 2017
I did the 1.0 template based on the commit 9462825, pushed on July 31, 2017 by Andrew Pilley, software development engineer at Microsoft
The latest commit, 5418fb3, pushed on August 1, 2017 by Angela Hillier, another software engineer at Microsoft, presently fails to compile.
As of now, the latest well-working template is with commit 9462825
What to do:
On the **
· Enable developer mode
· Be sure that latest version 10.0.14393.0 is installed
· Go to your router and note the ip adress of your
Compiling UE4 from source

Download latest UE4 – Mixed Reality branch from https://github.com/MICROSOFT-XBOX-ATG/MICROSOFT_UWP_UNREAL/tree/dev_MixedReality
Unzip. If using Visual Studio 2015 and Windows 10 SDK < 15063 (valid for or Emulator):
· Run GenerateProjectFiles.bat
· Load in VS2015 by double-clicking UE4.sln
If using Visual Studio 2017 and Windows 10 SDK >= 15063 (required for Mixed Reality immersive devices and the Mixed Reality Portal):
· Run GenerateProjectFiles.bat -2017
· Load in VS2017 by double-clicking UE4.sln
Note: The Xbox-Live SDK is not required for building Windows Mixed Reality projects. If you see an error during ‘GenerateProjectFiles’ about the Xbox-Live SDK missing from your PC, you can ignore it.
In Visual Studio
· Set solution configuration to Development Editor and solution platform to Win64


· Expand the Engine folder under Solution Explorer
· Right-click on UE4 project and select ‘Properties’
· Set Configuration to UWP64_Development_Editor and Platform to x64


· (Close any instance of the Unreal Editor/Launcher currently running.
· Right-click on UE4 project and select ‘Build’
o First build of the Unreal Editor/Engine can take several hours (depending on your development PC). Avoid using the ‘rebuild’ option for subsequent builds to speed up development.
· Verify that UE4 is set as the StartUp project.
· Launch Unreal Editor from VS by selecting ‘Debug > Start without debugging’ (or Ctrl+F5).
· You can select ‘No’ on the following prompt:


· Select an existing project from the Project pane, or create a new one.
· You can also start from install dir/Engine/Binaries/Win64/UE4Editor.exe

How can I install it?
Files can be found at Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.
GitHub version at Proteus VR · GitHub (you need to be logged to Github to open the link)
Main infos found in the forum at Template - XR Development - Epic Developer Community Forums
To install as a template**, just unzip into the appropriate templates directory like (install dir)\Templates for launcher version. Launch a new project, and you’ll find it in the blueprint section.
To open as a project file**, open the project with the launcher or directly from the .uproject file.
In the template**
**Project – Description / **Settings – check ‘Start in VR’


Project – Maps and Modes
Default GameMode: GMHolo
Editor/Game Map: HoloMap
Project - Update Supported Platforms


o Check ‘Universal Windows Platform’
o Uncheck ‘Playstation 4’
Project – Target Hardware
I recommend Mobile/Tablet – Maximum Quality
Project - Packaging
o Set Build Configuration to “Shipping”
Platform - UWP
o Go to the ‘Platforms – UWP’ page under the Project Settings tab.
o Set the ‘Minimum supported platform version’ to 10.0.14393.0
o Set any UWP capabilities that your application will need (ex: Speech Recognition requires the ‘Microphone’ capability, Spatial Mapping requires the ‘Spatial Perception’ capability).


Modify Plugins

· Go to Settings > Plugins
· Under Virtual Reality, enable the ‘Microsoft Windows Mixed Reality HMD’ plugin
· (Optional) Input – enable ‘Windows Speech Recognition Plugin’, if needed
· (Optional) Input Devices – enable ‘Windows Mixed Reality Spatial Input Plugin’, if needed
· (Optional) Remove any plugins not being used (will require a restart of the Editor)

· Be sure to save all of your changes before packaging!
· File > Package Project > Universal Windows Platform > UWP (x86-32bit)
· Towards the end of the build process, makeappx.exe will be called:


· If this is the first time that you’re packaging the project, then a certificate will need to be created.
o Look for the following prompt (it might be in your taskbar if it does not appear on screen):


o Leave the password fields empty and press ‘OK’.
o Select ‘Yes’ when you see the next prompt to create a test-signed certificate:


Deploy Package to ****

Deploy from Windows Device Portal

· Power on the
· Open the device portal
o As an example, if the ip address of the is, open in your browser. You may have permissions to give.


· Navigate to the Apps page.


Click Install App, browse to your .appx file just created
· Under ‘Deploy’, select the ‘Go’ button.
· Wait for your app to upload and install on the device.
The app will be in the list of your installed apps.
Optionnaly*, you can also start it*
1)Through the app manager, by choosing the app and click start
2)Through Visual Studio*** in Debug Mode:***
· In VS, select ‘Debug > Other Debug Targets > Debug Installed App Package’.
· Change Local Machine to Remote Machine and enter the IPv4 address of your in the Address field, then press ‘Select’.
· Select your app in the ‘Installed App Packages’ list.
· Press the ‘Start’ button and wait for the application to start on the device.


*Note: Running with the debugger attached will impact performance!

Remaining Work: UE4 Windows Mixed Reality Port - FROM MICROSOFT TEAM
This document breaks down the know areas of work remaining for the Windows Mixed Reality port of Unreal Engine 4. Our current list of TFS items ( https://analogdexdev.visualstudio.com/MICROSOFT_UWP_UNREAL/_workitems ) document the initial set of expected work items.
*Pri 0


*Before branching the code to the ATG repository, all components require a scrub pass.
Things to remove:
· Unhelpful comments
· Anything “odd” in comments
Things to add:
· Updated UE license header
· Algorithm comments (so that we and others understand where we are taking the code and how it works)
TODO: Update/refactor the creation of the core window creation code. This may be the thing that is preventing creating windows on the . Note: It may be necessary to tell Windows to not kill if we exceed the splash screen time. Options include adding the functionality to bring this to the same level of functionality as the existing implementation, or figuring out how to refactor so we can just leverage the existing implementation.
TODO: Create a UFunction Library
· Move public items from the tracking code to a UFunction library.
· Include exposing new RS3 APIs (IsDisplayOpaque, etc…)
· Add Class / method comments that act as tooltips on publicly exposed items
· Note: This should be blueprintable, so need to test that it is all accessible from blue prints
In addition, classes and headers should be updated to match the UE Coding Standards document ( https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Programming/Development/CodingStandard/index.html ).

Build Targets and Toolsets

*Currently, we have UE4 building successfully in the following configurations:
· Development Editor Win64 in Visual Studio 2015
· Development Editor Win64 in Visual Studio 2017
· Development UWP32 in Visual Studio 2015
· Development UWP64 in Visual Studio 2015
· Development UWP32 in Visual Studio 2017
· Development UWP64 in Visual Studio 2017
*Build Process Flow

*Currently, the only solution to building a Blueprint project is to create the package in the Unreal Editor. Packages must then be side-loaded via the Windows Device Portal (or similar). Debugging requires attaching to the process.
Building, deploying and debugging (F5, Start with Debugging) does not currently work with Blueprint only projects. This has been the state of the UWP fork since we received it from ATG.
TODO: VR Templates:
· Update the VR Template to #ifdef out the Steam specific components, so that the default templates work with Windows Mixed Reality.
· Consider adding support for MR specific features.
*Application Manifests

Support for setting application manifest capabilities (uses the Microphone, etc.) is not available when building with Visual Studio 2017. Recent SDKs appear to have removed mobile platform schemas that are expected by the manifest compiler when consuming our generated manifests.
This is actively being investigated and is required to be able to indicate that an application uses specific Windows features, otherwise the feature support will be blocked.
<< This is addressed in a merge which is expected early the week of 6/5. Also, our changes are being considered for merge into the ATG branch

Head Mounted Display

*The HMD plugin is up and running in limited testing. The wearer can move about the scene on and in an immersive device (Last time we verified, it required keynote team build hacks. We think this is addressed w/ the current build, but are waiting on verification from the Keynote team).
Currently, we do not have a reliable method to ensure we correctly enter exclusive mode without sacrificing the ability to create slate applications. Launching on , with or without the exclusive mode hack, is only 100% reliable when a debugger is present. (Note: This is the issues covered above in the create window process).
TODO: Take over the display on tracking lost and render an appropriate image/background. There is currently no tracking loss/attempt to establish indication presented to the user.

*Performance is key for HMDs. We need to investigate UE4 performance settings and options that will help us to hit 60 and 90 fps. It is anticipated that we will need to enable developers to configure the performance options in their projects as well as provide sensible defaults.
No work on performance has begun beyond early discussions and some research (reading UE documentation).
Mainstream PC: We also need to hit 60 FPS on mainsteam PC Specs.
Issue: It is possible to have a perf hit when using Blueprints. There is an option for Blueprint nativization, which we need to test, as the most recent integration has moved this to ‘supported’.
TODO: Review the Unreal published “Performance in VR” and figure out what we should be adopting from there.
*Store publishing

*Currently, there are a number of problematic items in the UWP fork which prevent the app from going to store without direct intervention/hand holding from the ATG team. You need to go into the Engine code, make changes, and rebuild. At a minimum we need to document the process. Ideally, we would honor the ‘build for shipping’ choice and output a valid UWP.

*All components must be reviewed for Blueprint requirements. Everything doable from code needs to be doable from a Blueprint project.
· TODO: Input exposes some unique functionality (gesture settings management) that is unique to our platform for which custom work will be required to support in Blueprint. (This is partially implemented, but needs to be verified)
· TODO: Blueprintize UFunction library (This will capture the HMD items)
· TODO: Spatial Sound will have to be exposed (similar to how it is done in Unity)
· TODO: Spatial Stage will need to be exposed
· FUTURE: Sharing will have to be exposed when we add it
· FUTURE: Spatial Mapping will have to be exposed (P2/ work)
· Expected: There are likely additional items which needs to be exposed to blueprint
· Done: Speech is already blueprintized.


*To date, minimal formal testing has been performed on our UE4 work. The amount of testing has varied by component. We need to ensure that our plugins are stable, performant and work as expected as well as verify that we have not introduced regressions to any part of the code that we modified.
Specific test projects we want to create:
· Work from a blank project and MRize it
· Get an Origami equivalent project up and running against Unreal
o As a script project
o As a blueprint project
*Pri 1


*Spatial Input v1 API ( gesture) is pretty much done, code wise. One exception is that we have not yet determined how to best expose the ability to start the plugin with the desired gesture support. Related to this, we have not exposed (to Blueprint) methods to query and/or change the currently supported gestures.
Some confusion is likely to come from having all possible gesture “controls” exposed to Blueprint when some will be non-functional (ex: Manipulation is not supported when Navigation is enabled).
No work has yet been done to add support for the version 2 Spatial Input APIs (Motion Controller support).
It is important, when adding support for the newer APIs, that we do NOT break support for .
This module also requires a good deal of testing. Only minimal, debugger based tests have occurred to date.
*FUTURE: Spatial Mapping

*There has been no work started on a Spatial Mapping plugin. This feature is key when supporting .
Planning and costing for this work is also required.
*Spatial Stage (Chaperone)

*There has been no work put into Spatial Stage APIs (floor, boundaries, visualization). This feature will need to be implemented as part of the HMD plugin.
Planning and costing for this work is also required.
*RS3 Features and Changes

*The next release of Windows (RS3) will be delivering new features (sharing API, text plane rendering, Live Cube manifests, glTF controller models) and it is anticipated to see others taking changes (we have heard mention of a cleaner way to get the rendering pipeline and some possible input enhancements).
The magnitude of this work is currently unknown (early WAG is that it will be significant). One known is that we must continue to retain compatibility.
*Pri 2

Spatial Sound (Our team will definitely own this)

*Spatial Sound is essentially not started. While we do have a skeleton plugin class, there is no functional code backing it. This is due to Unreal Engine having an old version of XAudio2 (2.7) implemented.
To support Spatial Sound, XAudio2 version 2.9 will need to be implemented in the UE4 engine. This appears to take the form of a plugin-like component and likely could be based on the 2.7 implementation.
Once the updated XAudio 2 implementation is available, the Spatial Sound plugin needs a functional implementation and Blueprint exposure (per sound source) for:
· Min and max distance
· Unity gain distance
· Room model
The HRTF API that form the basis of Spatial Sound has a hard requirement for 48 kHz, 32-bit float audio data as input as well as output. We must endure that the UE4 engine can provide this format. If it cannot, we will need to implement support in the engine.

*To date, we have found portions of the UWP application class that were missing or not fully implemented (ex: support for input plugins). It is expected that we are likely to encounter other unimplemented portions as we add support for Windows Mixed Reality. Performance settings are one area where there is an expectation of us needing to do engine work.
*Functional Libraries

*Functional libraries are a collection of static functions that are called by Blueprint code. Libraries need to be built for the HMD at a minimum.
It is expected that other plugins are likely to need functional libraries as well. Likely candidates are:
· Input
o Expose plugin constructor that allows caller to specify gesture settings
o Expose methods to Query and Change current gesture settings
o Expose method to cancel outstanding gestures
· Spatial Sound
o Expose key MS HRTF parameters; Min/Max Gain, Unity Gain Distance, Room Size
*Pri 3


*Speech is pretty much done, code wise.
Blueprint has been tested. Code / script testing is planned.

  1. *Run from editor is a key feature, and will require some significant work. *
  2. On (Future) Remoting from editor will need to be implemented at a later time


*To make the development cycle efficient, we need to add support for deploying and launching to a remote device ( or PC), as well as the run from editor functionality described above. The Device Portal and it’s open source wrapper are good candidates for forming the basis of this, since UE4 has the ability to compile and package the appx file. There will be UI requirements for this as well. We have not started on any of this work.
Some investigation is warranted to determine if it would be to implement remoting within UE4 so that the editor reflects on-device behavior. Assuming the investigation returns positive results, work would be required (Engine? Editor?) to implement.
*Pri 4


*At the very least, we need to document how to make your application Mixed Reality friendly; feature use, performance settings, etc.
Additionally, we are adding some functionality to UE4 that may require special considerations to use (ex: specifying gesture flags). Documentation describing how and why to use this functionality will need to be written.
*Proof of concept sample

*There must be at least one sample/demo application which covers the entire MR feature set and runs against in each perf environment at framerate. One option for this would be to port the existing Unity based Holographic academy document. *

After pulling new content from GitHub, be sure to rerun ‘GenerateProjectFiles.bat’, as you won’t be able to compile if any new classes were added. If you still have problems compiling the latest version of the dev_MixedReality branch, then please file an issue on GitHub for the team to investigate.

Also, if you’re using the GitHub desktop UI to clone the project, you’ll need to run ‘setup.bat’ before ‘GenerateProjectFiles.bat’.

yeah,it’s a great gob!
After 3 years, ue4 finally support , only by developers…

Great initiative! To bad I don’t have a :frowning:

great job , thanks , i hope UE4 add this in future

Great! Thanks for your share!

Last commit I tried is 4e3c7d8 and it still works great. Keep in mind that it’s evolving rapidly and there’s still no spatial mapping nor gestures detection.

Have an issue Generating project files, tried installing all Windows SDK’s i could find, different visual studio versions, deleting & re-cloning (did also run the Setup to download dependencies // no anti-virus software was active) and installing almost all extra options that the VS installer offers. None of the google answers helped, but it seems that something is off with references to my Windows SDK, would be great to hear any suggestions.

Dev_MixedReality branch - commit “1b5c14e”

p.s. Windows 10 Pro N version is 1703, OS Build 15063.540

GenerateProjectFiles.bat error:

Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files…
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(
1987,5): warning MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly “Windows”. Check to make sure
the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors. [L:\Unreal-UW
UWP\WinMDRegistrationInfo.cs(4,26): error CS0234: The type or namespace name ‘Metadata’ does not exist in the namespace
‘Windows.Foundation’ (are you missing an assembly reference?) [L:\Unreal-UWP-\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBui

GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: UnrealBuildTool failed to compile.

Press any key to continue . . .

I think this is caused bythe Win10 SDK version,refer to doc in the branch:
If using Visual Studio 2015 and Windows 10 SDK < 15063 (valid for or Emulator);
If using Visual Studio 2017 and Windows 10 SDK >= 15063 (required for Mixed Reality immersive devices and the Mixed Reality Portal).
check your VS version and SDK version。
My Win10 SDK version is 15063 and VS is 2015,generate succussfully.
Additionally,this branch is not finished and have serious bug,refer:

I have followed all the steps exactly and i am getting to the point where I package the game but i keep getting unknown error and unable to build lighting, failed to initialize swarm, got an idea of how to fix this? (I am trying to package your hololense template with or without lights)

ignore my last post, Got it to work properly on the hololense

Trying to package as of Sept 17 2017,

First issue Divide by 0, [TABLE]

So the following changes were made to RenderTargetPool.cpp

		#include &lt;math.h&gt; /* pow */
		//float ScaleX = (DisplayExtent.X / (float)MemoryStats.TotalColumnSize); Replaced by float ScaleX = (DisplayExtent.X * pow( (float)MemoryStats.TotalColumnSize, -1));

Then the following change for ProteusHolo Project

Had to leave Version blank,

Project Name: ProteusHolo

And Had to Generate new Project ID

*Modulo Compiler and Game Settings

What does it mean if you get an icon with Zzz and the Blank Icon Window? I am not sure where to go to from here.

Go go Microsoft team!! :cool:

Ok there’s and update on my various curated templates for Unreal:

1) Proteus Template for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

  • Next update: Leap Motion integration, Stability issues resolved, Logout improved
  • Tested with version 4.18 without glitches. There was a fix found for Oculus headset initial location glitch, fix at https://answers.unrealengine.com/que…ed-to-hmd.html . 4.18 version also fixed the glitch.
  • Oculus Avatars multiplayer should be updated and fixed for input replication as soon as I’ve discussed it with Oculus guys.

2) SteamVR Template

  • This template was developed with the Vive Pre, before Oculus Touch and Epic VR template came around. Not sure it would be useful to update it now.

3) Template

  • It’s no secret that Microsoft team is working around the clock to prepare a version of Unreal using the Windows Mixed-Reality Headsets. Hope they will be ready for the 17. However, it seems that integration (i.e. holograms and spatial mapping) is not the priority right now. Latest builds by the team broke compatibility while improved WMR HMDs integration. I’m monitoring closely the advancement of the team, I’ll update this template when more features will have been added.
  • For now, I sadly recommend to develop on Unity even if I’m not a big fan of C#.

4) Windows-Mixed Reality Template

  • Waiting for my Samsung Odyssey to arrive, as well as the October 17th update to adapt the Proteus Template for the WMR headsets.

5) Magic Leap Template

  • Maybe as a Christmas gift?

Finally, anybody going to OC4 to geek around Oculus integration within Unreal?

Hi Proteus. Thank you for your template! But I am having some issues when I want to build the fork. I have followed your steps, but I am really stuck. Please, anyone here knows why I get those errors? I tried in two different computers, with the same result :frowning:

Thank you!

Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files…
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(
1987,5): warning MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly “Windows”. Check to make sure
the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors. [D:\MICROSOFT
UWP\WinMDRegistrationInfo.cs(4,26): error CS0234: The type or namespace name ‘Metadata’ does not exist in the namespace
‘Windows.Foundation’ (are you missing an assembly reference?) [D:\MICROSOFT_UWP_UNREAL-dev_MixedReality\Engine\Source

GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: UnrealBuildTool failed to compile.

Edit: The error persists. So I tried into a Windows 7 machine. And I was able to compile (Installing Windows SDK, Visual Studio 2015 & 2017, the same as the Windows 10 Home, but for Windows 7)

But in Windows 7 machine, when I try run the UE4Editor or run with CTRL+F5 from Visual Studio) I get an error: CreateDirect3D11DeviceFromDXGIDevice in the dynamic library d3d11.dll then the next window sais that cannot find UE4Editor-WindowsMixedRealityHMD.dlll… but that file it does exists on the Plugin folder: UE4Editor-WindowsMixedRealityHMD.dll

Any help please?

Hi Proteus, Thank you so much for your tutorial。I compile the uwp by the lastest dev_MixedReality branch “afd4b61b” with vs2017 and sdk 15063. That works fine in the Configuration to UWP64_Development_Editor and Platform to x64, but fails in the UWP64_Development and Platform to x64 or x86. Here is the errors:|
LINK : warning LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:libogg.dll ignored; no imports found from libogg.dll
LINK : warning LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:libvorbis.dll ignored; no imports found from libvorbis.dll
Deploying UE4Game UWP32 Development…
Prepping UE4 for deployment to UWP32
EXEC : error : System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException: 对未声明的特性组“Error
在 System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.InternalValidationCallback(Object sender, ValidationEventArgs e)
在 System.Xml.Schema.Compiler.CompileLocalAttributes(XmlSchemaComplexType baseType, XmlSchemaComplexType derivedType, XmlSchemaObjectCollection attributes, XmlSchemaAnyAttribute anyAttribute, XmlSchemaDerivationMethod derivedBy)
在 System.Xml.Schema.Compiler.CompileComplexContentExtension(XmlSchemaComplexType complexType, XmlSchemaComplexContent complexContent, XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension complexExtension)
在 System.Xml.Schema.Compiler.CompileComplexType(XmlSchemaComplexType complexType)
在 System.Xml.Schema.Compiler.Compile()
在 System.Xml.Schema.Compiler.Execute(XmlSchemaSet schemaSet, SchemaInfo schemaCompiledInfo)
在 System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.Compile()
在 UnrealBuildTool.UWPManifestGenerator.ValidateAppxManifest(String ManifestPath) 位置 E:\MICROSOFT_UWP_UNREAL\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UWP\ManifestGenerator.cs:行号 1906
在 UnrealBuildTool.UWPManifestGenerator.CreateManifest(UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatform, String InOutputPath, String InIntermediatePath, FileReference InProjectFile, String InProjectDirectory, List1 InTargetConfigs, List1 InExecutables, IEnumerable1 InWinMDReferences) 位置 E:\MICROSOFT_UWP_UNREAL\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UWP\ManifestGenerator.cs:行号 795 在 UnrealBuildTool.UWPDeploy.PrepForUATPackageOrDeploy(FileReference ProjectFile, String ProjectName, String ProjectDirectory, List1 TargetConfigurations, List`1 ExecutablePaths, String EngineDirectory, Boolean bForDistribution, String CookFlavor, Boolean bIsDataDeploy) 位置 E:\MICROSOFT_UWP_UNREAL\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UWP\UWPDeploy.cs:行号 196
在 UnrealBuildTool.UWPDeploy.PrepTargetForDeployment(UEBuildDeployTarget InTarget) 位置 E:\MICROSOFT_UWP_UNREAL\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UWP\UWPDeploy.cs:行号 329
在 UnrealBuildTool.UniversalWindowsPlatform.Deploy(UEBuildDeployTarget Target) 位置 E:\MICROSOFT_UWP_UNREAL\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UWP\UEBuildUWP.cs:行号 274
在 UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.RunUBT(BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, String] Arguments, FileReference ProjectFile) 位置 E:\MICROSOFT_UWP_UNREAL\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\System\UnrealBuildTool.cs:行号 1629
Total build time: 804.41 seconds (Local executor: 766.22 seconds)
E:\SoftWare\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(44,5): error MSB3075: The command “…\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat UE4Game UWP32 Development -waitmutex -2017” exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command.
Done building project “UE4.vcxproj” – FAILED.

i have no idea about it.

Hi Naitguolf! I had the same issues(GenerateProjectFiles ERROR) with you (I do it with win10 and VS2017), but now it was solved by add VisualStudio2017 installation items. I added Unreal Engine installer.

That has been solved in dev_MixedReality with commit ceb64a5

Thank you! I will try it. I was able to build using a Windows 7 machine, then run the custom UE into a Windows 10 and able to open the project. But when I try to Package a version, then I have lots of errors… But first I will look at what you said. Again, thanks!

Hey @Proteus , what does it mean if when you try to upload app to , it says

DeployFailure reason: Failed to start deployment. Failure text: A Prerequisite for an install could not be satisfied. (0x80073cfd)

Any help would be appreciated FROM @Microsoft Team. Our team has about 20 headsets, no Unity Developers and has been struggling getting this up and running.

Has anyone else had issues trying to actually get this on an ?