T_Brick_Facade_N Texture is illegally referenced asset for a Material post update 27.00

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



I am getting an error that my material illegally references asset "/EpicBaseTextures/Facades/Brick_Facade/T_Brick_Facade_N " when I attempt to push changes to my map. I have T_Brick_Facade_N as a texture sample that is connected from the RGB node of the Texture Sample to the Material Normal Node. Prior to update 27.00, this material was working and I have not made any changes to it since.

Steps to Reproduce

I have set up my material as the following image: Materialerror.PNG - Google Drive

Using T_Brick_Facade_D, T_Brick_Facade_ORM, and T_Brick_Facade_N as my textures from top to bottom respectively.

I then save the material and apply the material to a mesh. When push changes I receive an error that my material "illegally references asset /EpicBaseTextures/Facades/Brick_Facade/T_Brick_Facade_N "

Expected Result

Material should be able to be applied to a mesh and changes pushed successfully to Fortnite creative

Observed Result

When push changes I receive an error that my material "illegally references asset /EpicBaseTextures/Facades/Brick_Facade/T_Brick_Facade_N "


Windows 10

Hi Bumney, Welcome to the Forums and thank you for the report.

Linking this thread with another to help with tracking.

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