I’m trying to run the ICVFXProduction Production Test. When I open up the switchboard and add the ndisplay devices and unreal devices, I then connect it to the listener and open unreal. All the windows minimize and unreal opens as it should, but after a moment it closes again and I am left with this error. Does anyone know how I would go about fixing this?
LogSwitchboard: Error: Could not start FlipMode monitor …/…/…/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/PresentMon/Win64/PresentMon64-1.5.2.exe
LogWindows: Warning: CreateProc failed: The requested operation requires elevation. (0x000002e4)
LogWindows: Warning: URL: …/…/…/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/PresentMon/Win64/PresentMon64-1.5.2.exe -session_name session_10220 -output_stdout -dont_restart_as_admin -terminate_on_proc_exit -stop_existing_session -process_id 10220
LogSwitchboard: Error: Could not start FlipMode monitor …/…/…/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/PresentMon/Win64/PresentMon64-1.5.2.exe
LogSwitchboard: Display: Process exited with returncode: 0