Swarm distribution failed

Alright, since my [last problem][1] has been solved, I’m stuck again.

Here is may situation : Swarm coordinator sees 2 different swarm agents.
When launching a (huge scene) rendering, only the local machine works, and only 1 agent is seen in the Swarm Status window of this machine.
I followed the inscructions [there][2], but the problem stays.

Here is my configuration : on the left side (station-manager) the coordinator with his agents config. On the right (station-clement) the local machine (agent only).

and the result when building the scene : only the local machine works and is seen by the agent.

A last thing : when rendering, I’ve noticed that pinging the coordinator fails - it works fine when no work runs.

This same configuration works fine with v-ray for 3dsmax, sharing works and so on.
Station-clement is not accessible through writing permissions for station-manager, but i’ve tried with a shared folder as the project folder and it didn’t change anything.
None of the pcs have a firewall activated, and station-clement has an antivirus which is configured to let swarm pass through.

So, I hope someone could help me !
Thanks a lot.

Oh, and I see that I’ve got an alert :

14:46:24: LogGenericPlatformMisc:Warning: Failed to determine engine directory: Defaulting to ../../../Engine/
14:46:24: Failed to determine engine directory: Defaulting to ../../../Engine/

What to do with that ?

For the “failed to determine engine directory” error I’ve got downloaded and replaced the UnrealLightmass.pdb (found there) in the engine directory.

Hi Teapot Creation -

In your coordinator, change the Allowed Agent Names to read station-* in both Agent setups.

If this also does not work, the there is a known issue in which the Coordinator if pulled from the 4.8 version of the engine will only build on the Local (Coordinator Based) machine and will not distribute . If you are pulling from a 4.7 version of the engine’s Swarm Coordinator than the reverse is true, it will only build using remote machines and not local machines. In both cases the 4.9 version of the Coordinator will build from all clients correctly.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Hi Eric,

I tried to change the AllowedAgentNames but it doesn’t work better, only the local machine renders.

Actually I’m working with the 4.8.3 version (4.8.2 previously), and only the local (but not the coordinator) builds. The coordinator is set up on another machine (less powerfull) as suggested in some installation tutorials.

Also thanks for your informations about the versions. I’ll wait for the 4.9 stable version to share building so…

Hi Eric,

I’m back on this issue since the distribution doesn’t work better with 4.11.2 version of the engine.
Ive got the exact similar issue (and the same network configuration as above).
Any thought ?
Thank you!

Hey Teapot Creation,

Since you have been working with this issue throughout various engine versions, you might want to Clean your swarm cache.

You can also take a look at the Swarm Agent Troubleshooting Guide to see if you can pull some useful suggestions from there as well.

Thank you,

Hi Andrew,
I was sure I already tried to clean the swarm cache, but it looks like I hadn’t.
After (manually, since from the cache menu it didn’t work) deleting the cache files and restarting the editor and swarm, it finally works.
Thanks a lot for the suggestion !