[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System


I am generating VR180 stereo video and the plugin is working fine. However, during rendering, all 360-degree views are being generated. Is there a way to avoid rendering the unnecessary parts to improve render times?

Thank you.

Hi Ivan, I tried to only render a few frames of one of 6 cameras in order to save some time, but when I tried to use “convert last render”, it generates lots of nearly empty frames in the output folder, only that one camera is shown in the final output image, all the rest camera angles, despite they are there, are completely ignored and only show black in the output.

I then tried manual conversion, the 6 camera alignment looks off.

What’s the best way to only render a few frames from a certain camera, in order to fix some minor issue without re-render the whole timeline and 6 cameras?

Thanks a ton!

Hi Ivan,Can I use a stencil layer with 6task solution for foliage and export it with alpha?
I tried but could not do it.
Or can I export with 6task solution with nothing background transparent?
I have tried this also and cannot do it.
I have indeed registered the instance foliage actor as a layer, but it does not show up in the render result, it is blank!

@Ivan_Elizarov It makes sense to avoid rendering and blending the stripes that won’t be used (or just create void images) and it could save a lot of time!

Additionally, for large-scale scenarios where there are no objects close to the user’s point of view, we might be able to use a more efficient approach. Specifically, we could render the left eye as a regular 360 (non-stereo) image, and instead of pivoting the right eye from the center, we could use the left eye as the pivot point.


I just purchased the tool and it is so good to render big 360 images. I found a wired visual “flying over” my viewport after I activated the “path trace” tool, and at the same time, it seems like some of the geometries like “disappear” on my viewport also, I have asked some people said that it might be collect to something “render target”?? How can I resolve this, thanks in advance.


has anyone tested Heterogeneous volumes? do they work? many thanks

I was wondering if you could kindly help. I’m rendering out EXRs and they all come out BLACK… when I use the same settings but change to PNGs they look fine. The issue is that I need to be exporting in EXR with ACES. Anyone else having this issue? Many thanks

Output looks like this in Photoshop

As you can see the output folder has also rendered the ‘Tempory’ image correctly but all these EXRs are black…

Have you tried unchecking “multilayer”? I’m not rendering EXR’s anymore due to the enormous file sizes, but I remember the multilayer sometimes causing problems for me.

I set my camera height to 150, also put down 3 boxs with 1, 1.5, 2 cubic meters. They look too big to me. What should I do to make it scale down to right scale?

Hey @Ivan_Elizarov, I want to use the plugin to take multiple 360 stereo renders one after the other. One problem I’m facing is that after a certain number of renders while the project is open, the project crashes saying it’s out of VRAM memory and cannot allocate any more space. I am using an 8GB card. Any idea why this is happening? And how to fix it? The reason I’m asking this is because I want to use the plugin during runtime and a crash will be a big problem for me.

Secondly, like I said, I want to use the plugin during runtime to take multiple renders. Since the plugin is mainly built to use from the Editor via the editor utility widgets, will there be any problems implementing the plugin to work in runtime?

No new updates are planned at the moment. The plugin has been around for several years and some things are already difficult to implement, I’m working on a new version that will have this feature, but it’s hard to say when the release will be.

For faster communication, I certainly recommend writing in telegrams, there are a lot of letters and I do not have time to respond to everything on time.

You should definitely install the latest version of the plugin, perhaps this problem has already been fixed, since I changed the approach when stitching.

If this is a mono projection, this should work, unfortunately there is no way to separate the individual layers of objects in stereo mode.
Have you tried to get objects using regular rendering without a plugin?

At the moment, some things are already difficult to change in the plugin V2. I am working on a new version of the V3 plugin and hope to solve many of the problems that are encountered now.

Please check Post Process → Raytracing Reflection → Transculency → Raster

Unfortunately, I haven’t checked, but if they can be recorded in sequence as animation and we can control them every frame, then yes :), otherwise if they are constantly dynamic, then it will work only in Mono sync mode, and in stereo mode there will be seams.

With the release of new versions of the engine, there are problems with EXR. Be sure to use the updated version of the plugin. Also check the compression selection.

You mean in HMD?
Try using Stereo Rendering, ipd → 6.5

Hi! Please check telegramm :slight_smile: I see your message today! :slight_smile: