[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

Hi Ivan, I am using all the default settings in the 6 task solution, I only changed one setting from 360 to 360 stereo, then the render queue shows 148 jobs, and it takes a really long time to render just one frame of a 360 panorama (frame 0 to frame 1) in a very simple test scene. 12 min for 1 final frame. (For comparison, the same frame in regular 360 will take 1 min to finish, only 8 jobs instead of 148 jobs.) Is this behavior normal? Or do I need to change something in the default settings to solve this “148 jobs”?

Also, before every frame is rendered, it always compiles 20 shaders. It’s fairly quick, but I wonder if it’s some issue with my setup, or is it a bug?

Thank you so much.

This material compilation I can answer, the material compilation is because there are material ball nodes in the scene reported errors, for example, I have encountered too many map node references in the material, resulting in map reference nodes reported errors, and then rendering will always compile the material, find the wrong material ball, and then repair the error.

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You can put 10-100 frames, it will take you the same amount of time. Therefore, be aware that rendering one frame will take from 40 seconds to 1 minute.

Making one frame is not as profitable as many. You can take 10-100 frames, it will take you the same amount of time. Therefore, be aware that rendering one frame will take from 40 seconds to 1 minute.

Taking one shot is not as profitable as taking many shots.

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The picture quality is not very high, tell us what exactly is the error in this projection?

I tried to use Pjection to Convert the map to EAC(Stereo) in a different arrangement from that of Equirectangular(360 Stereo). I understood that they should be the same. The following is the picture display:

Thank you, QDY, I checked the logs, I couldn’t find any errors in my super simple test scene. Just the default material on a default box, with default lighting. If you could help me identify this shader that’s causing the problem, that will be super great!

Thank you, Ivan. So I guess 148 jobs sound correct to render any stereoscopic images, right? Just wanna make sure that I am not missing any settings to optimize the process. Thanks.

I also have this issue. When I hit “apply all settings” button, the location of my BP_Camera360_v2 will always jump to the position where my current viewport’s camera is. Do you know what causes that and how I should avoid it?

Also, in your electric dream demo video on your youtube channel, I can notice that the shadows of the pebbles and leaves are flickering and changing while the camera is moving forward. Could you please suggest us how to prevent that from happening?

Thanks a lot!

At the beginning of January, Youtube changed the format of their 360 video.The broadcast made no difference for most users, since they updated all their viewers well ahead of time. The new format resembles a cubemap, and it has a header which specifies the mapping for clients to use. Google calls their new format equiangular cubemap (EAC).

You just need to download the usual 360 stereo images so that they are supported by YouTube.


  1. That’s right, after 148 tasks, you usually get a 360 stereo image, which can also be converted or changed to any other projection if you make projection changes and click the Convert Last Render button

  2. Don’t worry about it, it doesn’t affect the final rendering. Basically, when your rendering starts, the camera will be attached to the main current CineCamera

  3. I would recommend checking the console commands (this test command, maybe working for you)

foliage.CullDistanceScale 5
grass.CullDistanceScale 1
r.RayTracing.Culling.Angle 0
r.RayTracing.Culling.Radius 100000
r.LumenScene.FarField.MaxtraceDistance 70000
r.RayTracing.Geometry.InstancedStaticMeshes.CullAngle 0
r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.ScreenTraces 0
foliage.MaxTrianglesToRender 140000000

Hi Ivan,
I have a problem with Anima 4D characters and stereoscopics render. They do not appear at the same time in left and right camera. See the attached photo. Is there a solution for this?
Thanks .
Unreal Engine 5.3

Maybe your character not loading?

  1. Try using in Anti-Aliasing → Render Warm Up → 128
  2. Try in Project Settings → Texture Streaming → False

Thanks , i will try . :grinning: :+1:

Hi Ivan,

Really impressed with your system, especially the automatic creation of the 6-way camera.

I’m struggling a bit with UE 5.3.2, getting freezes when the ‘Camera’ switch is on in the 6 task settings page. It freezes up while rendering the first camera., local rendering.

When I try to render remote, a new version of my project loads, lost of command line activity, but then everything stops and the windows all close. No output to the project folders. Where can I find the logs?

Lastly, how can I prevent the Facebook cubemap render from happening? It takes ages and I don’t need this output. I can’t find where this is enabled. I am following your setup guide for the basic monoscopic 360 render. No other settings changed.

Many thanks

Hi! Thanks!

  1. Please check Name your map, sometime problem in name :frowning: Please not using Main or default name from epic games)
  2. When you pressed button Render Remote, and closed, try open your Folder Project → And try find Render_Remote.bat and launch, and check working or not?
  3. Initially, the rendering goes to the FaceBook projection, this cannot be changed, but you can check the folder, perhaps there is already a ready-made projection in maximum quality without Scale. The Output folder is usually responsible for converting to other projections and for scaling.

29.05.2024. SOLVED Problem Freeze Export in 5.3 - 5.4 version.

But at the moment, a panel will appear displaying the operations.
Please update from Marketplace!

Hey Ivan, does the current version of your plugin work for the new 5.4.2 unreal update?


Does anyone know what can cause a d3d crash right when I begin the rendering process?

I checked and it seems to jump from 5GB Vram usage to over 12GB instantly resulting in the crash…

Some settings:

Please check first standart rendering, not using plugin camera360v2.

SomeTime you need add GameOverrides or HighResolution

Hi Ivan, when I put the camera in a half-wrapped chair to render a 360 three-dimensional panorama, there will be some misaligned seams in the splicing of blocks. Is there any solution to this?This problem affects the three-dimensional viewing of the film, which will cause the film to be out of focus.
Screenshot of camera render position in UE5:
Render screenshot of misalignment seam problem:

Original image of the left eye:

Hi Ivan, after the last update I keep getting the error, pasted below, when I render FullDome.
It renders everything until the last step where it only makes between 10-30 final FullDome images.
What can be done to fix it?

Command Line Encoder: [image2 @ 00000275b56addc0] Cannot write more than one file with the same name. Are you missing the -update option or a sequence pattern?
av_interleaved_write_frame(): Invalid argument
[image2 @ 00000275b56addc0] Cannot write more than one file with the same name. Are you missing the -update option or a sequence pattern?