[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

I came back from vacation yesterday. Can you write me an email?

Please send your settings

  1. 6 task solution
    2.CLI Encoder settings from Project Settings
  2. Camera Cut Track from Sequencer

If you start rendering from the beginning, it progresses normally, but

If you do Convert Last Render on a currently stopped task, the error occurs.

I still get an error when starting to create the right stereo image.

Command Line Encoder: [image2 @ 0000024b5eff3040] Could find no file with path ‘D:/GosungRender/RenderCamera360/Image.Right.FinalImage.%04d.png’ and index in the range 0-4
D:/GosungRender/RenderCamera360/Image.Right.FinalImage.%04d.png: No such file or directory

I can today connected to zoom and check problem, please write to me email Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru
Tell me, you can remove not need task and check try start from here?

Convert Last render working for Left and Right Eye finish projections, but not for stitch.

Thank you for your help.
Problem solved.

I am using 360v2 well.
However, alpha channel rendering using actor layer is not yet possible when using stereo mode.
When will this be possible?

This is a very complicated procedure, it takes time. I will try to make updates soon.

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NEWS 13.09.2023. Camera360v2 for 5.3. Update in marketplace.

If any problem, please tell me!

Hello Ivan!
I bought a camera 360 v2 a few days ago and I am testing it.
I have a few questions.
I succeeded in rendering the equirectangular 360 image from unreal
The images that were rendered from Unreal to cama360 v2
Like the YouTube video you made, I want to make it move with the mouse like the YouTube video you made. (Moving left and right)
Can’t you work with the DaVinci Resolve program?
What program did you write and work on?

One more, the current version is also NO auto exposure, no Vignette, no Bloom, right?

Hi, doriminmin!
You need add 360 meta tag. Please download easy fast programm


  1. Create video, and convert to any format.
  2. Open Spatial Injector → Select Your video and waiting 5-10 sec. And you see copy your video + 360 meta tag.

the current version is also NO auto exposure, no Vignette, no Bloom, right?

NEWS 15.09.2023. Start from Output Task. Update for 5.1-5.3.
Version 1.3.5

  1. If your engine is Crash, you can continue rendering the stereo from the selected task.

I use 6 task solution to render, and the images in 6 directions have been rendered, but there is no synthesis. What method can I use to synthesize them?


  1. Add Camera → Activation option → RenderAllCamera
    So you will make simultaneous rendering of all cameras.

    Tell me exactly what problems have arisen in the discrepancy of personnel. Niagara?

Dear Ivan,

I hope you had a great vaca and welcome back :smiley: … I was able to get used a bit more to your tool and I can confirm that rendering MetaHumans in 180 and 360 is not only possible, it’s looking amazing! It’s so sharp that I have moiré problems, which is actually a “great” high-res-problem. I found that rendering each view separately is way faster, and although I use the maximum settings with 14k it only takes about an hour for 720 frames. Great! Thank you so much. I also need environments though, and here comes my question. If I want to go with lumen and/or ray tracing features would you recommend using the pathtracing-feature or does this have nothing to do with light-setup in general? Thank you so much and take care!

Hi, lvan!
Thank you for your answer!
I have one more question.
I want to use 360 camera while using volumetric fog, but there are some errors.
There’s a horizontal line in the sky…
Is there any way I can do it with volumetric fog?

Hi, Frankfurt!
I’m sorry that I didn’t have time to do rendering and show an example. I just recently returned from vacation and my main computer suddenly broke down, now I’m waiting for the last spare part so that I can work normally.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: You can use any type of lighting,stereo works for all types of lighting, reflection (Lumen, Pathtracing, Raytracing, and sstandart rendering)

Yes, rendering time takes time, but there is good news, there is an additional mode in production that will allow rendering stereo faster. I’ll give you the information soon.

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Hi, doriminmin!
Could you attach an image, errors?

Hello! When I opened the project rendering today, I was suddenly prompted with an error. I had saved all the rendering content, but an error was still reported and rendering could not be performed.

Can I increase the resolution of the FaceBook file? If I increase the resolution of the FaceBook, can the Output file be clearer?

Sure, if you using 360 Mono, you need change quality here:

Example in calculator i see max size 12000x8000
and here you need convert image to max 12000x6000:

Hi! You fix problem? Or need help?