[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

I’m working on it now, but it will take time for now.I will try to do it soon!

Thank you for answer.
I fixed the blue print as you said.
As a result, after the video is finished playing, the play button is activated again, so it can be played again by pressing the play button.
But wouldn’t the best way be to keep playing on repeat without pressing the play button?
I’m curious how to do that.

Please write me to Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru, i send fix files.

Hmm, I checked, the play button is active and you can press the pause button.

Strange. You apply this code?
After the end of the video, you do not need to press anything, the video should be played again automatically.

Hi, I’m wondering if you could kindly help, again.

I’m having crashes on the 5th image when rendering. It just crashed after frame warm up 249 of 250 frames. It’s a VRAM crash.

The renders take a very long time so I thought I’d try just rendering cameras 5 & 6 with the other cameras switched off.

When I try to render this it crashes immediately.

Frame 5 has a human character in it. I’m wondering if its too much for the render… not sure.

Just to confirm with you, should I be able to render selected cameras or do I have to run the render again with all 6? I suspect it’ll crash again on camera 5 as this has now happened twice and the renders take 5 hours to get to camera 5 at 249 warm up frames.

Could you kindly test and see if you can render your cameras 5 & 6 without rendering the others? thanks

Is it possible to render all 6 again but to render the frames in the order I wish? So camera 5 first then camera 6? I can then just close it once those are done.


I am facing an issue regarding the plugin especially in this case.

My images from the render queue as stereo path traced come out like this


The top eye is missing the top part of the image and the bottom eye is missing the bottom part of the image.

When I change the resolution to 4000x2000 it looks better but part of the 360 sphere is actually missing.

Before it starts rendering it looks fine in the preview. While it is calculating the motionblur. But as soon as it starts rendering I get these black bars on the top and buttom. I changed the camera to 20mm. Everything else was done as in the tutorial. Also in the editor it shows correctly. I only get those black bars when rendering.

Any idea?


Hi! Sure!
Now there is one error that causes a crash when Nanite is activated.
You can Change ShowFlag.Rendering 0 to ShowFlag.Rendering 1 and try render.

You can remove Camera1-Camera4 and save you need task.

You using PathTracing?
Yes, you need Change CineCamera → Aspect-Ratio → False.

VR Monster - Terrifying Encounters in 3D Stereo 360 | VR360 Experience | 360 Stereo Video.
Step into the immersive world of VR Monster, a spine-chilling excerpt of a 3D stereo 360 experience. Explore a foreboding space station shrouded in darkness, with no knowledge of what lurks around the corner. As you navigate through the eerie corridors, your heart races with anticipation. Suddenly, you come face to face with a horrifying monster that sends shivers down your spine. This virtual reality encounter will leave you trembling and exhilarated, showcasing the power of VR in creating intense and unforgettable experiences.

I am trying to use the path tracing record option and there is no preview and start render wont work at all, nothing happens, please help. I am simply trying to render a short static scene of a basic landscape to test my stereo settings.

Good afternoon!
You have already written to me by mail Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru ? If not, write to me

Hi I encountered a bug when rendering in 5.1, resulting in no successful rendering

I found that the problem seems to be that if I set the Output Directory in the F disk area, I will encounter this error
I now put him in the C drive area without encountering errors

And this rendering seems to have an extra folder

my settings

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that did fix the issue with the black bars on top/bottom
. However now my image is squeezed. Export is set to 4096x4096. I can not see any seams, meaning there is no information missing but the focal lens is somehow distorting the image. I have a focal length of 20 set for the camera and deactivated the aspect ratio.

Please check path for FFMPEg in Project Settings → You need Using C: or F:/FFMPEG/bin/ffmpeg.exe, please not using _ or space ina name. I see you using - , maybe this problem?

Hi ! Hmm!
Try change size to 4096x2048 ?
If you using Mono pathtracing, you need using aspect ratio 2:1, 4096x2048, if you using Stereo Path tracing , you need using 1:1, 4096x4096

Thanks for your reply!

Hi Ivan,
I have been using your camera 360 for two years and you’re still on the cutting edge, congratz :slight_smile:
Anyway, I just tried the v2 and finally managed to get rid of these bad edges when using lumen workflow. However, the 0.5 value you recommend for overscan percentage is way high : it increase the render time by… well, 0.5. Since the edges are about 1 or 2 pixels width a value of 0.05 is enough to get rid of them.
Maybe you already talked about it later but that was the opportunity for me to thank you for your work :+1:
See you,
Mat Mond

Hi! :slight_smile:
Thank you for your words. Yes, there is still a lot of work to be done, I can’t stop making improvements in any way for plugin :slight_smile:
Yes, you right, you can look recomended settings for Working Lumen and no seams :slight_smile:
But you can using HighResolution 2-3 tile.

I had the same problem. Did anyone find a solution to this. ? It’s urgent please reply

Hi do you have any solution for the problem. I am facing the same problem and I need urgent solution

In these situations, there was a problem with specifying the path, for images or for FFMPEG.
Please check, in path not using symbols _ , - , space , .
If problem not solverd, please tell me Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru