[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

Thanks for reply.
I used in default startermap,It worked perfect.
When I tried in my project and I feel like I found there was a bug.
When I enable nanite for every mesh,it crashed and report the error I pasted before.
It’s the same problem in default startermap.
Is one camera remove while nanite is on caused that problem?

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Need check, you can send email for me to mail Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru, i can check your project?

Hi! You try Disable Camera360v2 and check rendering in Movie Render?

Yes,it’s work fine.
I’m use Unreal 5.1.1.
It crash only when I set any camera to false.

When I disable nanite for every mesh in scene,it works again.

Any problems that you have, you can send to the mail Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru so that I can repeat everything. It would be nice to also get some project containing problems.

Hi,did reinstalling solve the problem?

Hi! You can record video problem or send project?
I try check. Mail Lenina62-ivan@mail.ru

Hi! Yes,I just send the project and add the screenshot of the plugin setting.

This is very strange, because I turn off Camera1-6, the project immediately crashes.
I ask you to use all the cameras for rendering for now. I need to find the reason for this error.

Apparently, when I turn off the cameras, there is a request to Nanit from the camera, and rendering does not occur. I’ll figure it out.

Updatet: I Found problem. I will make a FIx soon.

Hi,thanks for your work.The fix will be helpful.

Has anyone here been able to get the “SkyAtmosphere” to work in their project? I get seems.

What settings would you recommend?

I want to include it as the final image looks much better with it on.

Is there any way to play one video repeatedly while using VideoPlayer 360?

You can messages in this theme for Video Player 360

Do you mean loop the video?

Yes, that’s right

I tried playing it myself, but after the video ended, I had to find and open the file again.

Couldn’t it be possible to have playback repeat without having to find and open it again?

Hi :slight_smile:

Try check this button, you can play again your video :slight_smile:

Hi, RGapper :slight_smile:
I published working solution for you. Thanks.

You need add Game Overrides and try using this settings:

Or this:

I received your letter. But my emails are rejected for some reason and an error occurs.

It will take me some time to make it possible to render layers and custom shaders for stereo mode.

A temporary solution for you:

  1. Try Render VR180 and Your layers and depth. When Finished rename folder output to Right Eye;
  2. Change Camera location to Right 6.4px. Example xyz (0,6.4,0), and again rendering. When Finished rename folder output to Left Eye;
  3. Combine these eyes in any video editor. For VR180 you will feel the stereo effect.

So, I am rendering by changing the left and right camera position values.
However, this method is not a good way because you are doing what you have to do once twice.

I would be grateful if you could resolve this issue as soon as possible

While the video is playing, the function you mentioned works,
After the video is finished playing, the function does not work
You have to find the video again and play it.

Due to my work process, I have to repeatedly watch and edit short videos between 3 and 5 seconds. To do so, I want the video to be automatically played repeatedly even after the video is finished.

Yes, I have not added such functionality.
Try adding the following code:

  1. Find Widget Menu_Player
  2. Find X2 Backward and Create Custom Event → Replay

  3. Add Code Here

  4. And check your Video play.