[SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System

NEWS 08.04.2023 Attention.
When you using World Partition β†’ FOr stereo not working 1-3 Slize, plese using 4-5.
I will try to solve this problem in the near future.
I found problem, i send update to marketplace.

Anybody know what’s going on here? this is also done in v1 with lumen

Just switched from 5.0 to 5.1
May I ask what caused this.
(Command Line Encoder: [image2 @ 0000018031ad7380] Could find no file with path β€˜I:/ceshi/xr/2/FaceBook/Image.FinalImage.%04d.png’ and index in the range 1-5
I:/ceshi/xr/2/FaceBook/Image.FinalImage.%04d.png: No such file or directory


The Camera360v1 - Lumen may contain seams, as there is no way to eliminate them.
Tell me, please attach settings image β†’ post process i check, correct or not?
And check:

  1. Exposure β†’ Manual

Please show me settings FFMPEG ? Project Settings β†’ CLI Encoder β†’ Path ffmpeg ?
If automatic conversion not working for you, you can try using Manial conversion

Please send 3 images from folder Camera1,2…6, i check name images, size images β†’ to email Lenina62-@mail.ru

Overall quality of the captures are way better than v1 but why is it slower? 1 frame is taking 10-20minutes at 4k. Also If my machine crashed during the process Is there no way to start where I left off? :cold_face:

Very strange, write me an email and send me your project Lenina62-@mail.ru
Sometimes it happens after activating Volumetric Fog, performance drops.
I also ask you to check the rendering of 1 frame without a plugin using Movie Render, and tell me how long does the rendering start?

And yes, if you are rendering stereo in Camera360v2, there is a different rendering approach here, so it is more profitable for you to do a lot of frames than 1 frame.

I am working on improvements and hopefully over time I will be able to increase the rendering speed for stereo.

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NEWS 09.04.2023. The Stereo On Axis view in marketplace update

  1. Added two type stereo: Parralel and OnAxis

    Type Parralel:

    Type OnAxis:

  2. Fix Slize for stereo. Now all values are working.


  1. Please closed Epic Games Launcher and restart.
  2. Find Library and your UE5.1
    3.Select Camera360v2 and update.

NEWS 13.04.2023. Tutorial 5. Fulldome and 6 task solution.

Hi, I am using Pathtracing recording method but it suddenly stopped denoising image. If I switch my lit mode to Pathtracing it is normaly working. But it cant denoise it through recording. It worked and it suddenly stopped. Can you help me with it?

Tell me, you using PathTracing record in editor?
Try add additional sample per pixel more, example 600-1000?

1 Like

Actually this helped. I set additional samples to 1000 and it worked. Thank you!

Excellent :)))!

Hey I’m trying your Lumen tutorial and think followed step by step, however, the stitching seems to be pretty messed up:

Do you have an suggestions how to fix this?

Please send to mail Lenina62-@mail.ru settings image:

  1. 6 task solution;
  2. Project Settings β†’ CLI Encoder

Now errors may appear, the main thing for me is to find the causes of their occurrence in order to eliminate them.

Hey there,

for us the Plugin doesnt work at all. If we do everything as described in the Tutorial it just gives me 6 folders named (Camera1/Camera2/Camera3/etc…) in the Output folder and in there is everywhere just a black picture of nothing. No idea what we are doing wrong.




  1. In DefferedRendering please check RenderPass β†’ True
  2. Please not using symbols " space or _ " in path for FFMPEG and Camera Output

NEWS 22.04.2023. VR Journey a forest/VR 360 Stereo/Virtual reality
A virtual reality 360 stereo video will take you on an exciting journey through a dense forest, providing a dizzying experience that will make you feel as if you were really there. Wearing headphones, you will find yourself in the heart of the forest, surrounded by tall trees, lush greenery and the sounds of nature around you.

The feeling of speed and movement will make you hold your breath as you go around trees, dodge obstacles and roll down steep slopes. Stunning 3D images create an immersive atmosphere in which it really feels like you are gliding through the forest at breakneck speed.

From sudden falls and sharp turns to narrow gaps and difficult jumps, this VR video will take you on a breathtaking journey that will leave you feeling excited and energized.

Overall, this VR video provides a truly immersive experience that will leave you feeling as if you have just taken a wild walk through the heart of the forest.

VR Journey a forest/VR 360 Stereo/Virtual reality

Some information:
I plan to release new videos using the current Camera360v2 functionality.
At the stage of production of the video clip, there were almost no problems, but you should know about them.

  1. Total time video 3 min 27 s = 12471 frames. Speed 60fps/s.

  2. The rendering time took 8 days and 17 hours. Which is about a little more than ~1 minute per 1 frame in 8k.
    My hard drive took up space ~ 9 TB.
    In the new update, unnecessary files will be deleted automatically, which will reduce this problem.

  3. Sometimes Movie Render can darken the sequence, so you have to re-render the crop.
    I will try to add a simplified version of the re-render from a specific task, so as not to do it manually.

  4. I using Axis Mode for stereo, and using slize quality 3.

NEWS 24.04.2022. Update information for 1.2.9 version.

  1. Added automatic removal of unnecessary Slize folders in Camera1…6 after rendering.
    The output will be formed by Output for Slize.

2.I have added additional conditions for Status.

-Now if you specify an not correct path that contains forbidden characters, you will see a message that you need to change the path.

-If not activate Render Main Pass in Deffered Rendering

Rendering will not start until the bugs are fixed.
This will reduce errors that occur at the end of rendering.

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NEWS 28.04.2023. Fix for UE5.1

Version 1.3.0

  1. I changed the warning. You can use spaces or β€œ_” characters in the path, but this does not guarantee that the rendering will work.

  2. Fix problem FullDome rendering in RenderAllCameras.

  3. Path FFMPEG recomended " " , example β€œC:\FFMPEG\bin\ffmpeg.exe”

    And i think you can using symbol _ and spaces in path folders.

Update in Marketplace: