Tell me, you need 360 mono or 360 stereo?
If 360 mono - you can using
Render all cameras at the same time and you will have all the particles in sync without any additional steps.

I need the 360 stereo.

I plan to do synchronous stereo rendering in a future version 5.3. I am currently developing this solution.

Now you can try to synchronize the particles of Niagara, which is used in Ultra Dynamic Sky.

I am trying to render by attaching one camera to other cameras, but if i set the anti-aliasing temporal sub sample to 1 or higher in the movie render queue, the attachment is cut off…!
Turning off anti-aliasing works fine. Rather than being disconnected, it only attaches to one camera. Do you know why or do you know a solution?

You can show me settings movie render for anti-aliasing?

Hmm, try using spatial 3 and temporal 3 ?

I worked like that but it didn’t work…

[no shot Scene_1_Final] Due to Temporal sub-sampling or handle frames, evaluation will occur outside of shot boundaries (from frame -2 to -1). Section MovieSceneMediaSection_0 (Binding: None) starts during this time period and cannot be auto-expanded. Please extend this section to start on frame -2. (All times listed are relative to the master sequence)

this pops up

You can send empty project and tell your settings, i checking ?

When i use the 360v2 to render pic,i can t see the raindrops or snows(dynamic sky, :dizzy_face:

News 28.09.2023. Camera360v1. The product is available on the market again and will continue to be updated as possible.
This is a simplified rendering system, for more complex projects, consider using Camera 360 v2.

Hi, using Pathtracing evereything looks fine in preview. But the rendered image is distorted, unlike a normal equiretangular.

You need change Field of View your CineCamera → Width and Height → 40, Field of View 20
Please check information from tutorial

Hi, Ivan.
Where can I find tutorials using the runtime screenshot feature (one 360 equirectangular image) and how fast is this render?

You can try check PathTracing, you need change projection example to 360, create code for activation 360 pathtracing, example

Level Graph → Input (key example 1) → execute console → viewmode Pathtracing 1
When mode activation, you can create Shot.

  1. You can check Render in Runtime if using Camera360v1

Hello Ivan. I have had the Cam360V1 for a long time and until version 5.2 it worked for me with 2D point capture, now in version 5.3 the renders appear like this, do you have any ideas? Thank you!

YOu using Last version Camera360v2? Version 1.3.8 ?

Yes the last one, but from the 360V1, not the V2. Rendered in screenshot with Path Tracing

Hi @Ivan_Elizarov, when rendering 2D Stereo, is it possible to select where the zero parallax point is located to control positive/negative parallax?

For example: moving the stereo plane to the front so everything in the scene has positive parallax (feels away from the viewer)
