
NEWS 26.11.2022. Mini update for UE5.1. Please wait update, i send to marketplace 26.11.2022. It should be out any day now.
Support Lumen.
In Camera Rec 360 ā†’ select Gi and Reflection ā†’

For activation you need select Camera Point 360 and Compile.

Hi, i bought your plugin a year ago and use it for stylized render.
now i wanted to use it for more realistic render and i canā€™t manage to make it work in Ue5.1
It crashes when i try to capture a movie.
And now i have a blueprint compilation error as you can see in the screenshot belowā€¦

Iā€™m using Lumen as you say it should work. Nanite is on tooā€¦
Iā€™m trying with a Mawi forest biome
Should i use raytrace instead?

Thanks you !

here are the blueprint error

Hi, i finally make it work ! But not using lumen nor raytraceā€¦
But when i export with sequencer and jpeg system, the image is much more darker that in the editor.
Does the post process tab in your CameraRec override the postprocess presents in the level?

You need download last update Camera360v1 from Epic Games Launcher and replace in your project folder.
And all working :slight_smile:

Thanks, iā€™ts working.
The console warn me that all the video memory is used.
How can i handle this? with texture streaming?
But you said in an earlier post to disable texture streaming to avoid some artifacts in the imageā€¦

Hmm, try look this tutorial from youtube

Thank you for your answer ! I appreciate a lot !
Can you explain two thing i donā€™t get right:
1- Is the ā€œpostprocessā€ tab of the cameraRec override the postprocess actor?
1-1 should i load the postprocess actor of my scene in the ā€œarray elementā€ to have it working well with the 360 capture?
1-2 should i load the directionnal light in the ā€œarray elementā€?

2 - what are the flag for? all are already set in the ā€œproject settingsā€?

Thanks for your answer !!

Please not using this settings

This is an old setup. I planned to hide it so that it wouldnā€™t get in the way.

Previously, it served for a quick start, highlighted the post process and you can render the project. These settings help to remove the settings that cause seams.

But if you use it, then you will not have full control over the post-process. For this reason, it is better not to use it.

  1. Example, if you select PathTracing Enabled ā†’

    The camera will switch to PathTracing mode, or Motion blur will be active, sometimes you have to activate these settings. This settings for Camera360 not for Project settings.

Thatā€™s clear now !! Thank you.

**NEWS 15.02.2023. Mini update for UE5.1. **
Support Lumen.

  1. In Camera Rec 360 ā†’ select Gi and Reflection ā†’ And Lumen working.
  2. Panoramic Mode in Camera360v1 ā†’ Working, no black images.

Hi ,

I want to firstly thank you for this great plugin. Weā€™ve just bought Camera360V2 from the marketplace and I think itā€™s amazing.

In the project Iā€™m working on at the moment (UE5.1 + Lumen and raytracing enabled) Iā€™m using Camera360V1 and trying to save out a jpg screenshot at runtime by pressing ā€œMā€ as set up by default (itā€™s important for us that we use the screenshot feature as itā€™s faster than having to launch the movie render queue).

Iā€™ve followed your tutorial but after following the same steps I end up with seams in my image as shown in the image attached here. All the other options require to launch the Movie render queue so I donā€™t think weā€™ll be able to use them, but capturing a screenshot of the viewport after having the spherical image generated as shown below, would work perfectly.

There are also some other issues that I donā€™t know how to fix, like:

  • Thereā€™s a dark sphere on the right side of the image attached above (That sphere is not present in the scene so I think itā€™s generated by the plugin somehow at runtime and I donā€™t know how to remove)
  • What do I need to change to have the plugin save a .jpg file instead of a .png file when I press ā€œMā€?

Iā€™d be more than happy to use 360cameraV2 if there is a way to save a screenshot at runtime, instead of using the movie render queue, and if it can fix the problem with the seams shown when using Lumen.

Thank you very much for your help and let me know if I need to send you the scene above, Iā€™d be happy to.


Hey folks,

maybe you know a quick fix for my issue.

I am rendering Gear6x1 images with a custom sequencer ( contains 4 cameras / 4 frames) but i need a certain order and rotation. So far i flipped the viewport, all fine.

But i need to switch the first and the second image. i switched the rotation in the projection settings but it takes not effect to the sequencer.

Where in the Camera360V2 BP is set the order of the cameras?

Greetings Robert

You can change rotation for your camera. You need open Camera360v2 actor and open Even Graph. And you see all cameras and all rotation.

Hello, with your plugin is possible to change the FOV?
How can do it?

You can change the FOV only for FullDome, but not for 360 images, since the 360 image view is violated

Hello, Can I use the Unreal Engine 5.1, camera 360V2, to render 360 stereoscopic panoramas without using path tracking? I canā€™t use V2 to render 360 stereoscopic panoramas right now.
Not a single frame, but a rendering sequence
Your recent path tracking 360 stereo rendering methodļ¼Œ Is not very friendly to our project, and the rendering time is too long

I will add 360 stereo mode for Lumen Camera360v2 within a week.
But I want to warn you that the rendering time for stereo may work differently in different projects.

Hi! Iā€™m trying to render Stereoscopic video using your helpful Blueprint!
I want to make a regular stereocopic video like using 3d glasses.

rendering left and right eye seperately

but i can not find the way to render can seperately Left and Right eyes using the Camerae 360 System. is there only side by side stereoscopic rendering?.

and i wonder if i can adjust aspect ratio of 2d camera.
thank you for support!

In Camera360v1
You can using 2D stereo + Sequencer.
You need add BP_Camera_2D ā†’ Activation Stereo and Try Play, or try using Sequencer.