You can try 1. Install camera360v2, and change projection PathTracing to 2D projection, apply and recompile.

Hi, Thank you for the quick response. I managed to find this but it has completely broken Unreal - it crashed and now I cannot open any projects at all…

Don’t worry, delete folder Epic Games/UE_5.0/Engine/Shaders (Shaders)

and open Epic Games Launcher → Library → your engine version UE5

and press button Check.
The engine will restore all the necessary files to their original state.

Hi I am rendering 30 images setup as a 30frame sequence using 360v1 with Pathtracing in Ue5. It used to work fine like this with 4.27 but in Ue5 it seems to create a very random output. It renders some frames several times and skips others, it does not seem to do the same twice, sometimes the 1st frame is rendered 6 times and sometimes 3 times and then it skips to frame 7 or 4. I am rendering them with 1000 samples at 7360x4320 so it is a few hours to render the sequence each time and not great if it is doing the same frame several times. Can you shine a light on why this might be happening?

Could you tell me more about the solution you are using?
So that I can replay all the steps and check everything?
My email

Hi, Iam using the CAMERA_REC_2D and CAMERA_POINT_2D blueprints in the persistant level. The sequencer has keyframes for each view of the camera point2d on a seperate frame - 30 in total. The pathtrace is on and the denoiser is set to 1000 as is the denoise delay. When I press play it starts rendering the first frame and then continues to render it over again. Out of the 30 frames rendered only 5 or six are different, the rest are repeats.

I will check the solution today and write to you.

Hi I found this when I came back today to use Camera360
Use 360_Stereo (StereoPanoramic)
When I press the M key I get the following error

The output directory’s drive doesn’t exists. Plese set SP.OutputDir with a valid path. Skipping renders…
Panoramic screenshot parameters
…In Stereoscopic mode
… capture size: 512 x 512
… spherical atlas size: 4,096 x 2,048
… intermediate atlas size: 6,120 x 3,276
… strip size: 34 x 252
… horizontal steps: 180 at 2 degrees
… vertical steps: 13 at 15 degrees

Example, your project in Local HDD → C:/RenderCamera360/
You need destroy C: and try /RenderCamera360/

In Unreal engine 5, there is some problem.
Movie is not supported. Only EXR works the same way.

Hi , thanks for your plugin and the effort to create documentation.
I have this seams problem in the trees transparency or something, i try to retire the fog, and the rest of the elements and the seam disappear, the only element that makes the seam is the direct sun light :tipping_hand_man:

thanks in advance

Thank you for your words.
Hmm, try check

  1. Directional Light → Light Shaft Occlusion and Light Shaft Bloom → False
  2. In PostProcess → AmbientOcclusion → 0
1 Like

thx , was a contact shadow problem.
Just a coment, im a huge fan of the “manual conversion” add to the 6 cam solution, but sometimes i need the Camera overscan option in this section also, to compensate the overscan in the output.

Thanks again

I need to think about this for V1. In Camera360v2 there is such a possibility, but without overlay.

1 Like

I was wondering is it possible to make a Cinematic animation with this plugin so that the render comes out as a stereoscopic video (for 3d TVs etc) I see I can use it for VR but was wondering can it be used for just stereoscopic video animations? Thanks

If I understand correctly, you are asking if it is possible to make a stereo?
Example in Camera360v1.

Panoramic Mode:

Example in Camera360v2:

1 Like

Thanks ! I will test them out

Hi , thanks for your recent response on this, but I was wondering if the plugin can be used for standard 3d stereo video so its not 360 and 180. Something similar to the link on your google drive. Thanks again!

Sure, you need using projection VR180 stereo.

Thats grand, is it possible to render 60-70 degrees?

Do you mean VR 180, but with a viewing angle of 70 degrees? Something like this? Unfortunately, there is no such possibility yet.

In general, it would be possible to do this manually in a video editor.