Hi I just finished my graph test and found that the problem still exists
unreal version: 4.27
sequence Fps: 59.94
Camera360 FPS: 59.94
sequence Frame: 0~665
Models 360 Plane : 360_Stereo(StereoPanoramic)

I found that the 0~665 PNGs that have been rendered have reached the 665Frame of the sequence at the 60th frame.

And the FPS in my editor scene is below 30Fps

Editor Fps will affect rendering?
How to fix it :frowning:


Good afternoon! I’ll check your settings today and write later.

Please write to me, my email .

I was just checking the settings 60 fps, and control object in 101 frame. And the sequence of frames corresponded.

And i checked 59.94, and control object in 100 frame, it’s correct.

But I noticed an interesting thing. If you change the Play Rate for example to 2, 3,4…, then the sequence behaves incorrectly. Check if you are using a sequence playback change?

HI when I use 360_Stereo(StereoPanoramic)
Found that 360_Stereo(StereoPanoramic) mode is not affected by Exposure?
When I lower the Exposure Compensation, the rendered image is not lowered

I also tried putting PostProcess into PostProcessVol inside Camera_Rec_360
The exposure of the rendered image is not reduced either :frowning:

Hi! Yes, exposure not working in PostProcess for Panoramic capture.

Try change Bridgess intencity in Directional light.

Or try change material intencity, sometimes it’s working for exposure.

Hi I purchaced the plug in but when trying to render with raster it adds a blue overlay to items not facing forward. Im using unreal engine 5.02 any ideas on why that is? Thanks

Please try off Volumetric Cloud for test, and Off Lumen?
Please send email to

Иван привет.

Хочу купить данный плагин что бы отрендерить 360 цилиндрическую панораму , приблизительный размер 19000х2100px.
Cцена в основном состоит из большого количества частиц на Niagara GPU.
Работаю на последнем билде UE5 на RTX 3090 карте.

Вопрос, карта знаю что потянет, а вот коректное отоброжение частиц с антиалиазингом не знаю, хотел бы услышать твое мнение на эьтот счет.


Привет, Pylik!
Конечно лучше для тестирования прислать вашу сцену с частицами на почту .
Вам нужно смотреть на Camera360v2 (Она содержит обе версии Camera360v1 и Camera360v2)
Решение которое поможет при рендеринге частиц.

Потянет, но нужно понимать что из себя представляет проект.

Отправил сцену на почту, спасибо.

Hi ,

Its been quite a while since we last spoke and you kindly helped. The project has come a long way since.
My client has asked me to make the following into a 4k 360 video so that it can be uploaded onto YouTube and used on the Oculus.

You kindly walked me through this process before as the project threw up some issues but as he’s asking for it by tomorrow I was wondering if I could have a private chat as I could do with you helping me set this up again, sorry.

Here is the current video: (17) ISCA, Caerleon Roman Legionary Fortress - YouTube

Hopefully speak soon, Rob

Hi, Rob!
Yes, of course I remember.
Please write to me .

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Hello ,

I’ve purchased your 360 Camera v02 two weeks ago and got myself familiar with the basic functions. I do struggle a lot with Engine crashes due to the high quality I’m trying to achieve.

My end goal is a 4k 360 video (16000x8000) for architecture like this Unreal Engine 5 - 360 Video | Archviz Interior (Full Bake) - YouTube

To get the best possible results I’m using Path Tracer and Movie Render Queue

My understanding so far is, that I can achieve this in two ways with your plugin:

  1. PathTracing option
  2. 6 task solution option

Because of the limitations of the Path Tracing option (Resolution) the best high-end result would be to use the 6-task solution. First question: Is my understanding correct?

The way I’m doing it right now:

  1. Using MovieRenderAsset Facebook 3x2 (with Path Tracing Settings)
  2. Stitch Images
  3. Convert Images to 360
  4. Create Video

Unfortunately, I’m getting small black lines like the one you describe in your documentation on Google Drive. It works with Deferred Render Settings but as soon as I switch to Path Tracer I have those black lines. (But maybe it’s random). I don’t know how to remove those lines. All changes to “A) Projection (Rasterization)” have no effect. I assumed that “A) Projection (Rasterization)” is the setting for FaceBook Rendering. Second Question: How to remove the black lines between a stitched image?

Could you please help with the two questions?

Hi, AronBaron!
Today I am recording a video lesson on the updated version of Camera360v2, I will delete the rest of the other video lessons.

For example, in the latest version, I added the ability to work with Pathtracing for 6-task rendering, so you can make the desired render.

After watching the video lesson, you will be able to achieve excellent results.

You can write to me , personally if you need to solve this issue urgently.

That sounds great! I also got frequently lost with all the video tutorials and wasn’t sure which one would be the best for me. I’ll wait for the new one. Thanks a lot.

Quick questions regarding the current state of the plugin.

is 5.0.3 supported
is lumen fully supported
is raytracing supported
what post processes do not work?

Thanks for any information.

In Camera360v1 - Lumen and Pathtracing working in this solution, but you see seems.

raytracing supported.

I recomended look Camera360v2
raytracing, lumen (But there may be seams),pathtracing working.
Lumen last information information: [SUPPORT]CAMERA 360 v2. System - #163 by Ivan_Elizarov

For All cameras:
Some Post processing does not work, artifacts appear in the form of seams.

  • Vignette = 0 (In Post Process);
  • Bloom = 0 (In Post Process);
  • ScreenSpace Reflection = 0 (In Postprocess);
  • HeighFog and atmospheric fog workig , but if used → Volumetric Fog → Long rendering time, or maybe seams.
  • Directional Light - Light Shafts and Occlusion Off;
  • Exposure (Sometimes due to the uneven distribution of exposure occurs in the seam. Try to adjust the check Exposure method Manual and change Exposure value).
  • Ambient Occlusion (Sometimes).
  • Screen Space Global Illumination (Beta) - There are seams. You need to disable it.

i ran into a problem while using camera360.
Particles are broken in the stitching part.
Last time I solved it by changing the facing mode to the face camera position in the sprite renderer, but now it doesn’t.

You need find option Bound or Bound Scale in your niagara effect.

And change to big values.

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Hi, I was using this plugin to render out videos with pathtracing. How do I now turn it off? If I look at anything with pathtracing on it now renders as a panorama even after uninstalling the plugin
