Yes, and I still don’t understand why it sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t work. i using this free particle Particles and Wind Control System in Visual Effects - UE Marketplace
it used to be distributed for free for a month.

Hi ,

I was wondering if you could kindly help me?

I need to produce a 360 YouTube video to be viewed on the Oculus 2.

I have a 5 min flythrough, over a HUGE landscape that has water, grass, trees and lots of animals and character animations. The landscape uses World Composition and I have 4 tiles @8k each and a further 5 mesh landscapes that are each 8k each. This makes the viewing distance from one end to the other @ 24k.

My PC spec:
12th Gen i9-12900k with 32GB of RAM with a 3090.

  • I’ve turned off Raytracing as it was killing my frames rates.

  • I’ve used all your recommended settings for Postprocessing, Lights and so on.

I was wondering what sequencer export settings would you recommend for a YouTube video that would be played back via the Oculus 2? and with your recommended settings, any idea how long a 5 min video should take to render? I would like the end result to look its best on the Oculus 2.

The final video will take you around a historical reconstruction of a Roman legionary fortress

Thank you so much.

Good afternoon!
You’d better email me , as I can’t imagine the exact scope of your project yet.

Usually, any mode is sufficient for these purposes.

I would recommend using TAA smoothing, the video tutorials have solutions described for these cases.

Unfortunately, I don’t have oculus quest 2, but according to the latest information, the maximum video resolution for these VR glasses is:
In this video from internet:

*Output 7200x3600 *
FrameRate 60
Codec h265 + bitrate 100mb/s.

If using settings in Camera 360 JPG System+TAA (tutorial):

or this tutorial:

Usually when using a sequencer, rendering is faster.

You need to choose the solution that is most suitable for your project.

If anti-aliasing doesn’t work for you, write to me. Sometimes you have to do additional actions.

1 Like

I have a question regarding seams and reflections. We’re working on a project where the camera moves through a cave and the cave walls have a lot of wet glossy reflections on them so we’re noticing some seams in our 180 dome renders.

Here is a basic scene with the camera inside of a tube-like shape with a simple material and roughness value of 0.5.

When roughness is set to below 0.3, we start to notice the seams in the 180 dome view.

The material is very simple.

I understand the camera 360 system doesn’t handle screen space reflections very well. So I am wondering whether this issue might be solved with raytraced reflections?

What are some workarounds for handling glossy reflections without seams?

Hi, dbkdavid!

That’s right, Screen Space Reflection works, but you will have seams, since screen space is used for this reflection effect.

Don’t worry, there are two solutions here.

  1. Use Sphere Reflection or BoxReflection.
  2. The best option is to use Ray tracing.
    -Solution 1.
    Tutorial 16. Raytracing Reflection + Camera 360. - YouTube
    -Solution 2.
    However, if you have a weak computer system, you can use this approach.
    Tutorial 28. Path Tracing 360. Camera Point 2D and Camera Rec 2D. - YouTube

Thanks !

Hi - I keep getting this error when trying to render using movie sequence

Assertion failed: SizeY <= GetMax2DTextureDimension() [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Windows/D3D11RHI/Private/D3D11Texture.cpp] [Line: 517] Requested texture2d y size too large: 16386, 16384

I can run the game fine through the editor but as soon as I try to export a sequence I get this error.

I have my Rec360 texture size set to 4096/ 6 AA

Any ideas if this is 360 cam related - I assumed the texture size was something to do with the REC projection maybe?

Very strange, max size 16384x16384 , your error 16386x16384
please look tutorial Tutorial 27. Camera 360. Rendering 5 Solutions - YouTube, which of the solutions do you use?
Can you send me your scene so I can reproduce the problem?
My email
and antialiasing - taa max 0,2,4, for fxaa 0,2,4,6, and need using solution in tutorial.

I am using 360/1 camera option - the scene is huge with a ton of assets so not sure I can send it to you. Also has some other plugins that it will not work without.

It previously worked with no problems as I have used it a lot to export successfully but suddenly Ihave this problem on all my maps. Very odd - I cn play in the editor no problem and the REC projection works fine but as soon as I try to render sequence it crashes. I have tried various movie render seq settings as well

Try using 360 Use 6 cam, in 360 use 1 cam 2048px limit

I have tried multiple camera settings 1,6 stereo. Different px sizes. all of them crash with the same message - driving me crazy now!

Please write to me to , i can check your project if connected to you


I am wondering if there is a way for the Camera 360 to support ColorCorrectRegions?

By default it seems that Camera 360 does not support it, but perhaps some settings need to be tweaked?

I have a ColorCorrectRegion actor in my level and a Camera 360 actor. The red region is not displayed in the camera dome 180 view.

Otherwise, what solutions for color correcting regions in worldspace can you suggest with Camera 360?


Hi, dbkdavid!
I haven’t heard of this before. Try this solution, but you don’t have to use path tracing. This solution does not use RenderTarget Targets. But this solution does not yet support sequencer or motion render.
Try Tutorial 28. Path Tracing 360. Camera Point 2D and Camera Rec 2D. - YouTube

I’d like to get my dome180 renders into a compositor but I’m having trouble with render passes. SceneDepth has strange artifacting and doesn’t look usable (see image). Stencil rendering doesn’t appear to be supported nor does Cryptomatte/ObjectID. Custom Render List Objects also seems like an option but I’m still trying to get that to work.

So, what is everyone using for fixing things in post? (besides roto)

I’m using 4.27.1 and the latest Camera360.

Hi, grayritchie!
That’s right, there are limitations for the 360 v1 camera, some things are difficult to implement in this version.
Please send your scene to my email , I will check possible solutions and let you know.

Hi , I thought I had all your settings right but I’ve just returned to my project after designing some NPC characters and played the sequencer in the panel and noticed that in parts its really easy to notice these lines… would these appear when I go to render?

You need using Raytracing for reflection or cubemap for reflection.

You need off ScreenSpace reflection in postprocess, or seams.

I’m going to make a VR video using reflection like an image.
However, when SSR was turned on, various problems such as the appearance of Artifact more severe due to Exponential Height Fog, and the test concluded that SSR should be turned off and rendered to Camera2D using Planar Reflection.
Is there a way to make a VR video with Camera2D like how you used Movie Render Queen?

Or if there is any other way, please answer.

Hi, BlackOut_B84!
You need using Raytracing Reflection