Hello, Hello I have this problem when I have “Camera_point_360 & Camera_Rec_360” in my level.
If I delete “Camera_point_360 & Camera_Rec_360” it is all ok.

and my FPS go totally down only when I have both things in my level.

Hi, Lutz0815!
You need open Project Settings and find Texture Streaming, you need Texture Streaming OFF and restart project.

Thank you for your prompt reply. The textures are now OK. Only the speed is far below. 22 FPS normal 90/120 FPS. I have reduced everything possible. Can i Disable the cam when i don’t need it? Only enable when I want to take a picture?

Simply remove the Camera Rec 360 camera from the scene. You can leave the Camera Point 360 on the stage :slight_smile:

i have to change it at runtime. I tried “spawn actor”, but that doesn’t work properly.

Can you write me in detail what you need to do?
At runtime, disable camera 360, and then activate it at the right time? Right?
And please email me

  1. Example, try Create Character in scene
  2. Added next code

    When press 1 → Added camera rec 360 and camera point 360 in scene, and View target to Camera 360.


I was wondering if others might find this interesting too and if possible but I would love to see what the output might look like on a dome in realtime - specifically for planetarium style renders - Its sometimes hard to visualize how its going to look while I am animating - so a scalable overlay onto geo that slightly transparent would be cool – also havingt the live button on the 360point cam on just makes my system chug - so making using a super small low rez dome view could be a way around that also - jumping into a playable VR world would be amazing - again like I wanted way back a flyable camera system in VR thats keyframable would really be the future now

the pic is not showing was there a solution for this - i’m getting it too

Hi, Arcane!
In Camera 360, there is a realtime in editor button,

or you can also launch a fulldome projection in real time.

But to change the quality inside the editor, you can do the following steps:

  1. =>Select Camera point 360 and activate Realtime in editor,
    =>Select Camera Rec 360 and Quality(Experimental) → False
  2. Open folder Camera 360/Textures and select rendertargets
  3. And change size quality

    and you see change quality realtime.

You can also reduce the quality to a minimum to reduce the load on the system.
Or do I misunderstand something? If you tell me more about what you mean, I’ll think about it.

You can attach camera point 360 to any object and check everything in real time.
Alternatively, you can record the object data using Take Recorder, and then connect camera 360.

Isnt that mode u showed a half dome top and bottom of one side ? its not the planaterium full dome - isnt the planaterium style dome mode which is the top half of the sphere ? So the left and right of the top of the sphere not the top and bottom of the front of the sphere ? Also in all those ways you have to visualize in your mind where everyhing is located on a dome AS YOU ANIMATE - sure u can go into play mode and watch it play but not on an actual dome like you would watch it in a planetarium - so having a visual representation of the sphere on the screen as u animate which is the important part and seeing how things move across it to me would be highly useful - i’m talking like a small dome on the side of the screen / even give people the ability to make it as big as they like and the level of quality - non realtime even but even being able to track at low rez say how a character moves across the dome - like a 1/5th of the screen transparently there - then you could get away with not even having the full equirectangular on- often it feels like i am prob making things 2 big cuz I’m not fully understanding how it sits on the Dome . In terms of lowering the quality heres what happens i forget to turn it back up when i am going to render - it would be waaaay better to have 2 setttings in the BP - a viewing setting for the editor and a rendering setting so you dont have to remember to go back and change it everytime you want to do a test render - in production that will screw you up esp at 2 am when you are exhausted and working on 3 different computers on 3 different scenes . Also it would be great to have a toggle on the BP that only activates the link to show the 360 view when i activate the Sequencer rec360 camera . What constantly happens is when i activate the 360 my editor fps just drops to 5-10fps and makes it very challenging to work so i have to constantly go click the point360cam and de-activate it - make a few changes and then re-activate it - over and over again - its a big waste of time . If i could just activate the normal camera in Sequencer and that would de-activate the 360cam then i can work smoothly and quickly then i reclick the 360rec and turn it on in Sequencer and it pops back on - now even if i click the normal cam the fps is still reading the 360cam . That would save me hundreds of clicks per project . Having the translucent dome showing the visuals would also allow me to work alot fast cuz I dont always understand from the equirectangular where things will show up . If you take and map it onto a sphere at 1/4 rez that would be a significantly faster way to preview it than the full rez equirectangular and you wouldnt have to visualize it in your head . Also a playmode in VR so you can actually see it would be also amazing .
Look at this tool Plan V Tools - Virtual Production in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
They have a way of spitting out the scene to a VR walkthru - yours as a complete tool should do that too so you can spit out a test scene for your client . I’m gonna play around and see how much they can integrate. Also is there a place you have where all the ways that cause those edges to appear are listed ? I’ve thought I’ve dealt with the bloom/fog/lights stuff and connect the post process to the camera but I am still occasionally getting lights causing it when the fog has alot of density or the lights volumatic scattering intensity is jacked way up or often when i am using lights in cascade particles . I have this one particle system that if i put the radius too big it makes that seam all the time .

Hi, Arcane!
Thank you for writing to me. I have a lot of work to do right now, but I’ll answer you later. I need some time.

Hi, Arcane!
In full dome mode, you can change the rotation of the dome camera and the coverage in degrees from 180-240. In this example, the camera is rotated forward and the coverage is 180 degrees.
If you need to look up at the sky, no problem, just change the camera rotation by adding rotate offset in your camera point 360 actor, or just attach the actor with the desired rotation.
FullDome Degree 210 (in Camera Rec 360) and rotate x=0, y=90, z=-90 (In Camera Point 360)

FullDome Degree 210 (in Camera Rec 360) and rotate x=0, y=0, z=-90 (In Camera Point 360)

I can record a video tutorial on how to make such changes and you will be able to work as with a normal camera.
You can make the minimum quality so that you can work in realtime mode.
Is that what you mean?

I understand you. That would really be convenient. I will record a video tutorial for you on how to make such changes, and you can add two options, quality for the editor and quality for the final rendering.

Add the camera deactivation function.

I looked at the plugin, it works with camera 360, but it’s hard to say how much is correct. You need to spend time in it to understand its functionality, and what functions could be useful.

Thank you for your suggestions, I need to think about implementing the points you mentioned above.

I need to think about it. It is very good when there are additional comments on additional functionality.

NEWS 04.21.21
In the upcoming update, Motion Blur will be added.

The update has already been sent to the store.
If you need Motion blur and TAA, all you need:

  1. Select Camera Point 360, find all SceneCaptureComponent and find HidenFlags and click MotionBlur + TAA to false, click to True and compile. This is a temporary solution for now.I will release a new update later so that I don’t have to click on MotionBlur every time.
  2. Select Camera Rec 360
  3. Find ScreenShot system
  4. Custom Render? → True;
  5. Activate FullPostProcess mode.

    Don’t forget to add motion blur to your post process.

    With strong blurring, seams may appear.

NEWS 04.25.2021 The update has been sent for review.
In the new update, a new mode. It will be added as a screenshot of the system in JPG format. The speed of saving images is much faster than in png format.

There is support for MotionBlur, as well as TAA (takes the values 0-anti-aliasing is disabled, 2 and 4 level of anti-aliasing).

When using Motion blur, if the blur values are very high, seams may appear.
I’ll write down a more detailed lesson when the update is ready.

Update for UE4.25 and UE4.26.

NEWS 04.26.2021 After the update, there is a slow rendering at HighResShot system.
I have already sent the fix to the market, the update will be available soon.

NEWS 04.26.2021. There may be some errors in the update.
I’m working on a fix right now.
If you have any problems, please contact me.

NEWS 04.28.2021
Updates have been sent for review. The main problems are solved.
Example Motion blur:

Example Temporal AA.

1 Like

NEWS 04.28.2021. Update released for versions 4.25 and 4.26.

What’s new?

  1. Support TAA and Motion blur. You can render both using the sequencer, movie render queen, and the screenshot system.

    Antialiasing TAA

  2. For the screenshot system, another mode has now been added, the JPG screenshot system.


  1. To activate anti-aliasing and motion blur, you will have to do the following steps each time:
    • Select Camera Point 360;
    • Select All SceneComponent2D (for left and right eye);
    • Find Motion blur, and change to False, and change to True, and compile;
  1. With TAA and MotionBlur, all modes work except 360 (Use 1 cam). If you need the performance of this mode and 360 mode (Use 1 cam), you need to compile the source code of the engine and request instructions from me.
    The modes are also not supported 360_Stereo(Omni) and 360_Stereo(StereoPanoramic)

  2. Motion Blur and TAA are not supported in screenshot systems in Gama Mode if Raytracing is enabled.
    All you need to do is disable the check mark.

    But you can use the screenshot system if you use Movie Render, Sequencer.
    i create video tutorial and i show you.

  3. If Omni Stereo is enabled in the project settings, you will not be able to use the JPG screenshot system.
    The images will not be saved.

If you have any questions, write to me, I will always help you :slight_smile:
If I remember something important, I’ll let you know.

1 Like

NEWS 05/12/2021. Mini tutorial.

I didn’t have time to record the video, as soon as I get the chance, I’ll do it.
I would like to write some small notes that may be useful to you.

  1. As for Movie Render and the activated FullPostProcess mode.

  2. To have the correct colors when rendering. You need the Unlit mode, as well as the disabled Tone Curve.

    1. Activate Custom PostProcess → FullPostProcess
    2. Added deffered Rendering (Unlit) (in 4.26) and try using disable multisample effects (This will remove the ghost effect or bifurcation of the frame (if available))
    3. Added Anti-aliasing (working).
    4. Color Output → Disable Tone Curve for correct color.
  3. If you use a Sequencer or a screenshot system (png, jpg), these steps are already added to the code and the colors are correct when rendering.

NEWS 05/12/2021.
A small tutorial on how to do rendering using the JPG and PNG system and Panocamic Capture systems, while running them through the Sequencer and Movie Render systems.

  1. System JPG screenshot.
    1. Select Camera Rec 360 actor → Find Screen Shot JPG system;
      2.Select Rec → True, change Record Mode to Sequencer and apply the settings as in the image;
    2. Open Sequencer and select Custom size → 32x32 and select Path for tempory files. This is the size for temporary files. We don’t actually use a sequencer for rendering. All files will be saved using the JPG system C:\RenderCamera360.

The PNG system and Panoramic shooting can work in the same way using Movie Render or Sequencer.
As well as all modes work in Game mode.


I don’t undertand if this plugin support RayTracing + Stereo 360 runtime panorama export.

If it does, whats the limitations?

Does it work on 4.26.1?

Best regards,