Hi, makeshiftdan!
Thank you for your kind words, I am glad that you have found a solution :slight_smile:


I have been using your plug in to try and get high resolution renders (Approx 15k px wide) using the movie render queue. The images come out looking pixelated / low resolution similar to your post below. I have tried changing antialias settings and quality(texture size) settings, but they do not seem to have any effect. Could you explain how to remove the 2048 limit you mention here?


And this solution removes the 2048 limit for this mode and allows you to set the quality size to 8192



Hi, bakabaka9000!
Good afternoon! Write me an email . I will write you a solution if the mode is not enough for you. Also, if you are using the latest camera 360 update. You can use the 360 Mono mode (Use 6 cam) - it eliminates some seams that were noticeable before, they should now not interfere. It also has no restrictions on the size of the quality. Try to set 4096-5000.

Hey ! Hope all is good with you!

So I just bought the plugin, and was doing some testing following the tutorials. Everything works fine when capturing images from sequencer, but when I use this same sequence on the Movie Render Queue, it will not render 360, it seems it picks up the default Cine Cam instead. Any suggestions?

Thanks!! :slight_smile:

Hi, PabloCo!
Thank you for buying the 360 camera. I am very happy about this :slight_smile: I’m doing well, I hope this solution will help you. if not, please tell me, my email .

Try adding actor Camera Rec 360 -> to the sequence and making it the main one to display.
https://youtu.be/x4orAaOmrBo?t=428 - please look tutorial Movie Render from WinBush It just shows this method +Camera 360

Thanks for the quick reply ! The video was indeed very helpful. I found out what I was doing wrong: I was dragging the Camera_Point_360 to the sequencer, when the correct one to bring was the Camera_REC_360, and add that one to the Camera Cuts.

Thank you again!!!

**PabloCo, **I am glad that the solution helped you :))) Good luck with your projects! If you have any questions, please contact me :slight_smile:

Hi ,

Do you think the plugin would work in the NvRTX build? I tried migrating the blueprints from a 4.26 project file, but I get a compiler error for the Camera_Rec_360 blueprint.

Could you point me in the right direction? It would be great if it could work.


Hi, Visometric!

I have not checked the operation on this engine, but I think it should work.

Perhaps the migration from UE4 to UE4 NvRTX the main engine to the build engine is not quite correct.
Check if you copied the camera 360 to another engine, the path should match

Write me an email [EMAIL=“”]

Thank you for the fast reply!

I have sent you an e-mail now. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

I got a letter from you. Your solution should work. I have already sent you a reply. Please check your email and email me.

Have you tried manually reconnecting exactly the same variables? Let me know when you check this solution.

Hi There, I’m getting this artifact on a 180 dome render. It seems to be linked to the SkyAthmopshere in my scene. Is that one of the known bug or can I fix it somehow? I haven’t had luck getting rid of it.

Thanks in advance!

Good afternoon, ArmadiF10!
Write me an email [EMAIL=“”] and please send full image. Artifact, do you mean the white line on the horizon?
Can you email me your scene?

I test AtmosphericSky in 4.26,https://youtu.be/SeNM9zBPLCA?t=357 (tutorial AtmosphericSky), result image
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h59…ew?usp=sharing , but if seams appear (in quality 1024 or 2048) , increase the size of the quality.
Quality 1024

Quality 2500-4096

Thank you for finding the bug. I will try to release a corrected version soon.
I sent you the solution by email.

Issue has been solved by simply Fixing up Redirectors and restarting the Editor. No manual reconnection needed. Thank you for the support!

Hi, Visometric!
I’m very happy to hear that. Thank you for telling me :slight_smile:

Hello ,

I just bought your Camera 360 system but I am having issues on rendering grass under dynamic light.
When I record with a standard camera, or in game/pie, having grass moving in the wind give pretty nice results. Even though there are indeed some flickering/twinkling shadows, you really have to focus on them to notice it.
However, recording with your 360 camera gives some really steep kind of shadow flicker on the ground. It’s very disturbing once in a VR headset.
I have made several tests, with the Ultra Dynamic Sky pack, standard directional light and skylight, or simple point lights, with diferent type of grass, etc…there is always this shadow flickering effect.

Here is a video I uploaded to show you what happen : - YouTube

Thus, once I throw the Camera_point_360 and Camera_Rec_360 blueprints in the scene, flicker appears, and overall quality is decreased (aliasing ?). Even after deleting the blueprints, that quality stay lessened. Does your blueprint modify scene/project parameters on construction ?

I am sorry if this issue has already been processed in this thread but it is actually pretty hard to find infos here.

Anyway, thanks for these blueprints. Hope you have some fix for me :wink:


Good afternoon, MatMond!
There are several solutions that can help you with your project. We need to check everything.
Thank you for your purchase. Write me an email ******.
Each project is different, but you can always find a solution :slight_smile:

For camera 360, we can only use the anti-aliasing function r.PostProcessQualityAA = 2 (when added actor to scene) , But many people use the 2D value for standard cameras r.PostProcessQualityAA = 6 .

Therefore, the image looks smoothed in a normal camera.
But I found the cause of the flickering shadows, it is solved as follows.
Need change settings for shadow in Ultra Dynamic Sky.