good morning @

long ago there was the possibility to set right or left eye in mono360 mode.
I have a very heavy scene and I wanted to try again with that setup!
It’s not possible?
thank you very much


Hi, alb3360!

It’s possible. There are several solutions.

Solution 1.
Create project in 4.18, 4.19, 4.20, 4.21 engine version and download Camera 360 for this projects. It retains the old mode. Next step transfer the 360 camera to your new project (4.25,4,26).

Solution 2.

  1. IPD = 0 this Right Eye. If IPD = 6.4, this Left eye and don’t forget, this working for 360 Mono(Use 6 cam)

    Solution 3.
    I recomended using HighResShot system https://youtu.be/XAT3CwxCP08 + Raytracing value

Activate raytracing not necessary, just activate the value. This variable allows you to save memory and you can render even large projects.
Try this settings for test

Very well thank you!!!

I’m using movie render to increase antialiasing.
In the front camera you do not see part of the foliage (grass and stones) if I use “Render Movie” works well…

Using HighResShot system works! I use this method! Thank you!!!

All projects are different and me need to check the project manually. If you have the opportunity to send your project to my personal email address [EMAIL=“”], I’ll help you check the project and see what the reason might be.

Because every time I learn something new.

This is a very good method. Please also remember that the rendering window must be active so that there are no missing frames. You are not allowed to use other programs while rendering is in progress.


I’m new to this tool and wondering if I can capture 360 pano and export that as a hdri? Trying to capture 4.26 volumetric clouds and then port that as a skydome in 4.25. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, Splitendz !
Yes, clouds are supported in 4.26.
Yes. Try this solution:

  1. Select Camera Rec 360 and select 360 Mode (Use 1 camera)
  2. Open Folder (Content/Camera_360/Textures/Stereo360Experimental)
  3. Press Play Level
  4. Stop
  • 1)Select RenderTargetLeft
    1. Press Right Mouse button
    1. Create Static Texture
    1. Your HDRI

6. Export HDR image and select HDR format.
7. Import your HDR to your project and change settings MipMap (or Blured hdri)
Note: Max resolution quality for this 360 mode (use 1 camera) = 2048 px.

I tried what you said, but there was a video error again.
This time, an error occurred after about 11 minutes and 40 seconds out of 13 minutes.

One strange thing was that when we first started rendering, the preview screen looked like a resolution of 7680x3840 but by the time the error occurred, the preview screen had been reduced to a size of 2560x1440.

And I couldn’t encode it, but when I rendered it into JPG, I found no error in the image.

Hi, BlackOut_B84!
Very strange.
Try using movie render pipeline https://youtu.be/a_vp7b5Blyg or HighResShot system https://youtu.be/XAT3CwxCP08 (you don’t have to activate ray tracing in the project settings, but please activate in Camera 360 Rec -> Raytracing value)

Thank you for always answering my questions.
I have another problem this time, so I’m If you look at the linked video, you’ll see Seam at the back of the camera.
My video shows the camera moving along Path, and there are several scenes with different times and weather on the same mesh.
You can see Seam in every scene except at night.
Is there a solution?

The version I use is 4.22

Hi, BlackOut_B84!
I’m always happy to help!
Yes, there is indeed a small seam. I need to think about how to fix it.
A temporary solution, you can rotate the camera so that this seam is not obvious.

  1. Select Camera Rec 360
  2. Select Camera 360 Left eye (in 4.22 version)
  3. Quality (False)
  4. Open Camera Point 360 actor
  5. Realtime Editor -> True
  6. Adjust the camera rotation so that the seam does not fall on important parts of the project.
  7. Play and check.
    Then use the video editor program to adjust the initial viewing angle.

And I need to think about how to fix it

I found a solution. Used mode Mono 360 (Use 1 camera) , and
But this solution only works in engines 4.23, 4.24, 4.25 and 4.26. To do this, you will need to download the source code of the unreal engine and compile it with minor changes.
Write me an email [EMAIL=“”] and I will tell you what to do.

And this solution removes the 2048 limit for this mode and allows you to set the quality size to 8192


HELP PLEASE! Native ue4.26 Oceanwater body, displacement not rendering in 360 monoscopic. Raytracing enabled. Volumetric clouds, displaced terrain all working. Can someone verify that is it either working or not for them? It should look like the image below but when rendering using the movie sequence renderer with the 360 monoscopic camera the water has no large waves.

Hi, Gary Haus!

I wrote you a private message. I need more information to check what might be wrong.

Here is the shot of what I see. Ocean is fine in scene view. Flat in camera preview, which is what I get in final renders.

I think I know the reason.
The speed of the waves is real-time, and the 360 rendering is very slow to capture high-quality images.

As a result, the waves seem to stand still.

Check if there are waves in real time? Start the level.
If there are waves. I’m right.

Solution - > try to reduce the speed of the waves.

I truly am not following you. My apologies. My waves are moving slowly already.

Don’t worry.
Solution - > try to reduce the speed of the waves. I mean very slowly, try and check rendering.