Thank you for understanding. In any case, I will always answer and help as soon as I am free. Can you tell me more about the gradient? I don’t quite understand.

This helped a lot. Thanks for the support.

Hi, VRVisuals!
I’m glad the solution helped you. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Hello ,

I’ve purchased Camera 360 with for the purpose of streaming out to OBS in 360. But seems that the Spout Plugin is no longer supported for UE 4.25 + ( I’m running 4.25.4 ) It causes UE to crash every time and the Github page says it’s only tested for up to UE 4.23

Do you know of any other solution for connecting a Camera 360 live feed to OBS Studio?

( Is it possible to use OWL Livestreaming Camera with 360 maybe? )

Thank you!

Hi, Entity_Vision!
Thank you for purchasing the 360 camera!
I just checked, Spout + version 4.25.4 is supported.

  1. Please downloading Spout plugin for UE4 from GitHub - visiblegroup/Spout-UE4: Spout Plugin for Unreal Engine
  2. Downloading OBS studio - Скачать | OBS
  3. Downloading Spout for OBS studio Releases · Off-World-Live/obs-spout2-plugin · GitHub

If nothing works for you, let me know, and I’ll connect to you remotely. Write me an email

**NEWS. 12.13.2020. SHOWCASE. **
Rendering wool in unreal engine 4. Video clip in high quality in resolution 7680x4320 px.

The full 360 video soon is uploaded to YouTube

Original image (16000x8000px) and video (8k). Link google

Hi, am trying to render out a level sequence using the screen shot system for 16k wide images. it seems to ignore the sequencer though, (which is hiding and unhiding different objects). I followed the tutorial for the screen shot system, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Why do you set up a blueprint to play the sequence but then disconnect it from being triggered? If I reconnect it seems to play the sequence but it renders a frame at wherever the sequence would be at that time (ie, the wrong time because the frame took so long to render)

It seems like a great bit of coding but the documentation is not great, I’m afraid. I’m sure the answer is buried in the forum somewhere but it’s hard to find, and you must waste a lot of time writing the same things over and over again on this forum.

Can someone just explain the steps to render a high res image sequence using screen shot system which works with the level sequencer? Thanks

Good afternoon, casinowilhelm!
unfortunately, there is a lot of information. But i always promptly help in solving issues.

The sequencer supports 16k. All you have to do is add the following data to the sequencer:

  2. Command Line -RESX=16000 -RESY=8000
    Write me an email [EMAIL=“”], I will connect to you remotely and check your project.

This video clip is made using the Highresshot system. i didn’t use a sequencer for rendering, but thanks to the sequencer, all the animation is used.

I’ve just started to use Camera 360 and was able to create a video following the first tutorial video.
The output images use the same height and width from the tutorial 2000x1000.


I then imported these as an image sequence into Premiere Pro where I created a VR video with dimensions 1280x720.

The videos have a black circle at the top and the bottom of the video (when you look up or down).

I don’t see these black circles in the 360 videos that others have recorded so I’m wondering what I did wrong.

Could this be because of the height and width of the captured images?
Could this be from my settings in Unreal or Premiere Pro?

Any help would be appreciated!

Hi, dude cowboy!

thank you for buying the 360 camera.
you need to change the size in adobe premiere pro. You need to stretch the edges to get rid of the black circle.

  1. Sequence Settings -> Change to 1280x720
  2. Select your image and change Scale size


3. Check in VR mode (Right mouse click to your image)
if you still have any questions, please let me know by email

“motion blur” I was wondering if anyone has found a work around for motion blur? I have a camera moving through an environment and need some of the closer objects and ground to blur.

Is there any 360 stereo videos of outdoor nature scenes with foliage having wind moving water and skies? Wanna know how good the stereo rendering can pull off outdoor nature scenes for high resolution 5k x 5k stereo videos.

Hi, Zfarm!
Sorry, So far, I haven’t found a way to convey motion blur. If I have any fresh information or a solution, I’ll let you know.

Hi, migueljb!
I need to find such a scene and I will make a test rendering for you. But I remind you, there are limitations in rendering 360. I can show the 360 stereo rendering views available in camera 360.
Is this scene suitable for rendering? There is water, trees, sky

I made an environment where snow falls from the sky.
This Snow is made of GPU sprite.
Results were checked after rendering was completed.
There is a phenomenon in which the eyes are invisible with a sharp border like the picture.
I think I can see it when I turn off ExponentialHeightFog.
Do you have any suggestions for handling this problem?

And how can I get the best results when rendering AVI files using Unreal Sequencer?

Hi, BlackOut_B84!
Please check in scene Light Source (Directional Light) -> Light Shafts and please disabled.
And please check in post process Bloom = 0 and Exposure -> Manual

Important/Additional Notes:
Some Post processing does not work, artifacts appear in the form of seams.

  • Vignette = 0 (In Post Process);
  • Bloom = 0 (In Post Process);
  • ScreenSpace Reflection = 0 (In Postprocess);
  • HeighFog and atmospheric fog workig , but if used -> Volumetric Fog -> Long rendering time, or maybe seams.
  • Directional Light - Light Shafts Off;
  • Exposure (Sometimes due to the uneven distribution of exposure occurs in the seam. Try to adjust the check **Exposure method Manual **and change Exposure value).
  • Ambient Occlusion (Sometimes).
  • Screen Space Global Illumination (Beta) - There are seams. You need to disable it.

Also, if sprites are used, seams may occur, you need to use a real 3D model of snow. But I need to check your particles.
Soon I will write down a new lesson on how to avoid stitches.
Tell me, did the solution help you? If not, send me this scene to my personal email ****

There is a problem with rendering.
The video I render is about 13 minutes long.
Rendered as AVI file.
But there was a problem with the video.
Is there a solution?

For your information, my personal computer.
That’s right.

Good afternoon, BlackOut_B84!
Write me an email [EMAIL=“”].

I once had such a problem, but the solution may seem very strange. Try to create a clean project and transfer all the content to your new project.

Long time -> Maybe you are using Volumetric Fog, for this reason rendering may be slow. I wrote this in the product description. Please check it out.

Sequencer settings -> Also change the image output format to a AVI to JPG sequence to see how much 1 frame is rendered.

As you answered, we created a new project, moved it, and rendered it again.
However, the same problem occurred again.
The difference is that there was a problem with the video about 5 seconds later.
When rendering with a resolution of 2500x1250 for testing purposes, it was confirmed that the images were rendered from beginning to end.
However, there was a problem with rendering at 7680x3840 resolution.
Can high resolution rendering be a problem?
Need a solution to this problem.

Hi, BlackOut_B84!

I checked the settings.

  1. Please destroy this settings
  2. Please make Post Process settings for this tutorial. https://youtu.be/p5iBu9l9lXM
  3. Because of volumetric fog, rendering is slow, but if you need it, you can leave it.
  4. Please send me your project to email [EMAIL=“”] . Please do not post links to the project on the forum