[SUPPORT] ArchViz Explorer

Hey masanori-pola,

1) Unit Search issue:
It usually works out of the box. You will need to do some debugging in case you changed some filtering values. Navigate to the Filter event inside BP_UnitSearch_Widget and test out the boolean operations (top right corner) one by one.

2) Change Pawn Location from Taskbar Button:

thank you for your answer.

  1. After downloading, I followed the same procedure as the tutorial, and after that I didnā€™t change anything, but I couldnā€™t use it.
    How do you test Boolean operationsā€¦ ??

  2. It is difficult to move the axis to the desired location,
    It looks like we can do something about it. thank you.

Iā€™m create 2 game mode so i can go around my building but got this error and donā€™t know how to fix it? Please help!!!


Hi Stefan,
I have a problem with pan function.
If I pressed Right mouse button, it immediatelly jump really high and cant go down again. Moving with wsad and holding right mouse button its also really fast.
Dont you know where should be a problem?
Thank you

I can creat subcategories, but catrgories such as ā€œAmenitiesā€ ā€œSurroundingsā€ doesnā€™t work, can you tell me how to add catrgories? I will appreciate it.

Hello, who can tell me how to add catrgories such as ā€œAmenitiesā€ ā€œSurroundingsā€ , I will appreciate it.

Best Regards

Hey @Wachaoo,

In order to remove the ā€œPlease assign a Section View Initial Volume to your Main Explorer Pawn!ā€ error, do the following:

  1. Add a Trigger Volume to your scene and place it on top of your building.
  2. Select your Explorer Pawn and go to Details > Section View, and assign the newly created volume.

Hey @Roman_Jambor,

I guess that you have overlapping collisions. Can you try to remove the collisions from the Collision Component and Mesh Component inside of the Explorer Pawn?

Hey @0_02,

Inside of the BP_MasterMenu_Widget, duplicate a taskbar button and rename it properly in order to prevent confusion. Then copy the Blueprint nodes (Inside of the Graph) from the original taskbar button and assign them to the On Clicked event of the new button. Finally, define a new Tag and apply it to the relevant POIā€™s.

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Thank you for the reply <3

I would love to know how to change the info of every apartment, and assign a price to every apartment as well

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Hey @totem4d,

You can change those properties from the Filter_DataTable.

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Yeah thatā€™s what was looking for thanks ! now I just need to understand why the lights in my scene are not working at night as they should be. I probably deleted something by mistake.
Anyone knows what could that be?

I got help from Dennis, I want to say a huge thank you to the creators. I got so much help and really didnā€™t expect it.

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Hi Stephan,
whereā€™s the timeline component of the Section View ? I wanna make the mpc mask animation play faster and make it move linear after press the section view Checkbox, Thanks!

Hey @calvincaustics1,

You can change the interpolation speed of the Section View Volume inside the BP_Explorer_PC. There are separate values for location, rotation, and scale.

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Hi Stefan, I removed collisions from Explorer Pawn and its working now correctly.
But I have a weird problem with touch controls.
I using Pixel streaming on touch devices (mobile phone/tablet) and after I pinch zoom, I cant orbit using touch control. If I switch to the computer, its working like a charm with mouse. But everytime touch controls freeze and only pinch zoom is working. Orbiting is working till I zoom. Dont you have any idea where could be a problem? Thank you so much

Hey @Roman_Jambor,

Unfortunately, it is hard for me to understand the issue without seeing your project myself.
Which company is providing the pixel streaming service? We had no issues with Furioos and Eagle 3D.

Do I need to bake the light on the Realistic map to get the best view?

Hey @sher_jakupov,

That scene is intended to be used with dynamic light only.


Update 2.0 for Unreal Engine 5.0 has been submitted. It can take a couple of days before it gets approved.

Update 2.0 for Unreal Engine 5.0 has been released!