As an environment artist I like to organize parts of my level in these folders in the world outliner. I like to use it for quick selection of some things just because of how many assets may be in one level, but having it always auto-expand a large folder when I select something in scene gets old and slightly obnoxious. If there was a little lock icon next to the eye for keeping a folder collapsed even if a contained item was selected that would be perfect, and it would allow me to feel better about using it for organization.
Thanks for your time and I hope I can see something like this implemented
Yes please. With the folders filled with static environment meshes opening up automatically as soon as you press play, it becomes very hard to find what you are looking for in the outliner.
UE-22913 is not what OP wrote in this post.
The ticket says that folders in the world outliner should, by default, stay closed when loading a level.
What OP is suggesting is that we could choose to not auto-expand a folder even if a child of that folder is selected. I also think this is a much-needed feature.
Yes, very annoying having to close so many folders when testing Play to then navigate World Outliner. My sets export in hundreds of fbx parts to leverage occlusion culling, so without foldersnavigating the World Outliner would be a nightmare.
Maybe just expand the one folder something might be in? Seems like clicking anything expands all folders. If I had a 2M tall second monitor just for the World Outliner I might not mind so much. Is there a preference for this folder madness?
another vote for this. I feel it’s the weakest part of the engine which is a shame because workflow revolves around it. I’d really love a layer system for it too where you can assign objects to custom layers you create, then solo or hide hundreds of common objects with 1 click.
As someone who primarily navigates their scene through the outliner, not the viewport, this is SO ANNOYING! Why is there not simply just an option to turn auto-expand on or off? Easy peasy.
Tried the plugin and then thought it was working for this need (and maybe it is), but also realized if you just nest one level deeper for the things you don’t want expanding that the auto-expand only happens at root.