Sudden Verse build errors in my Fall Guys project. Can you help me recover this project?

I have been working on this project daily for a couple of weeks without these issues. I saved and logged off last night around the time of the update. This morning, I tried to open my project but was greeted with the following error log:

Verse Build:

Verse build errors found while opening the level:

If you continue to open this level without fixing the errors, behaviour that depends on Verse may not work. Saving the level while in this state may cause data loss.

If possible, fix these errors in VSCode and rebuild.

C:/Users/AppData/Local/UnrealEditorFortnite/Saved/VerseProject/SkyRace/Assets/SkyRace/SkyRace.assets.verse(39,70,39,76): Script error 3570: '(/' is experimental, and its use will prevent you from publishing your project. To silence this message, enable experimental features via the settings panel.
C:/Users/AppData/Local/UnrealEditorFortnite/Saved/VerseProject/SkyRace/Assets/SkyRace/SkyRace.assets.verse(40,60,40,73): Script error 3570: '(/' is experimental, and its use will prevent you from publishing your project. To silence this message, enable experimental features via the settings panel.
C:/Users/AppData/Local/UnrealEditorFortnite/Saved/VerseProject/SkyRace/Assets/SkyRace/SkyRace.assets.verse(40,86,40,99): Script error 3570: '(/' is experimental, and its use will prevent you from publishing your project. To silence this message, enable experimental features via the settings panel.
The assets digest could not be generated. Please ensure that your imported assets do not have names that clash with existing Verse symbols.

I canā€™t access the files referenced in that error to see exactly where the issue is. I havenā€™t used SceneGraph and am not even sure itā€™s available in Fall Guys projects. I have tried to review my assets and see nothing with a clashing name.

I have also tried syncing to previous revisions, but the errors are unresolved.

Under Verse Validation:

āš ļø This level contains devices that refer to missing Verse classes.

These classes may have been renamed, moved, or deleted. To fix the problem, undo those changes in VSCode and rebuild.

If you continue, these devices will no longer work. Saving the level in this state will break these devices permanently, and you will need to replace them manually.

āš ļø house_manager : Failed to load verse class house_manager!

āš ļø obstacle_manager : Failed to load verse class obstacle_manager!

I have never encountered an error like this before, and I am at a loss for where to start trying to resolve it. Iā€™m not sure what to try next and am fearful that I wonā€™t be able to recover my map.

How can I start resolving this?

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When looking at these errors again, I suspect the second error posted under the Verse Validation section of the Message Log is due to my continuing into the project after the initial Verse Build error. So, it will likely be resolved if I can clear the first error.

I have not made any progress with this so farā€¦

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If I enable Scene Graph in a copy of my project in Project Settings, the errors are cleared, I can launch sessions, and my verse devices work again without issue. However, If I made these changes to my main project, I would be stuck with an unpublishable project.

I havenā€™t done anything with Scene Graph, so I donā€™t know why I am getting Scene Graph errors on this project. My other projects are unaffected.

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For anyone who is experiencing this since the 31.00 update, make sure that you donā€™t have any materials with exposed parameters named ā€˜textureā€™ or some other existing Verse symbol name

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I solved my issue and it was not related to the new parameter errors some people are experience as you described.

Early in my testing for this project I was trying to construct a blueprint building prop that was a combination of a few Fall Guys assets. One of those attempts was to choose the ā€œEntity Prefab Definitionā€ from the list of options under Create Basic Asset. This didnā€™t work, so I moved on but left the asset in my project. After a few full-time weeks of continuing to develop my project, the asset was buried and forgotten about. As of this 31.00 update, something changed with Scene Graph that caused this error, even though my project structure hadnā€™t changed. I removed the ā€œNewEntityPrefabā€ test asset and rebuilt Verse. This was successful, and my project is functioning again.

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Iā€™m having the same problem as you, except that itā€™s with verse code (which Iā€™ve deleted, but which still hasnā€™t solved the problem).

VerseBuild: Error: C:/Users/Frank/Documents/Fortnite Projects/MyProject_/Plugins/MyProject/sys/published/Content/DoubleDamage.verse(37,13, 37,17): Script error 3502: Referencing an overloaded function without immediately calling it is not yet implemented; or

any idea how I can solve this problem?

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Sorry, Iā€™m not sure. This looks quite different than what I experienced. I found this post which might be more helpful to you: Why does this code crash UEFN when I build it? - #4 by sonictke

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Hi there. Just to clarify, are you saying that the DoubleDamage.verse file no longer exists in your project, but when you attempt to publish your project, you run into this error when it attempts to cook your island?

Sorry about the other issues folks are experiencing with the scene graph entity stuff. Weā€™ll investigate.


Iā€™d also like to add something,
The code existed until the new version 31.00, from this version, the script broke, we repaired it by adding the overload of ā€œ. Hideā€ (itā€™s a Hud device), we then regenerated the code, and the code no longer had any errors, until we launched the session, an error in the code, so I decided to delete the script to fix the problem, but the problem persists, and the output log tells me that itā€™s still DoubleDamage.verse thatā€™s at the origin, even though it no longer exists!

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@BazidomJr Hey there, unfortunately I can confirm this is a bug on our end and there isnā€™t a workaround at this time. We are investigating right now.

@sonictke Hi, we were finally able to find the source of the problem, but unfortunately it was impossible for us to take any action. I invite you to have a look at these other cases, which are in exactly the same situation as I was, for a better understanding:

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