CAN'T LAUNCH SESSION - Due to verse errors from HUD Message Device that don't exist anymore (After Update 31.00)

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Due to the changes to the HUD Message Device in the 31.00 Update (HUD Message Device: Added Hide(Agent:agent) to allow creators to hide a message for a specific user.) previous code we had that was using “.Hide” was flagged as red. We updated the code and built verse code, everything was successful and there were no more errors. But once we launch session now, we still get errors for the code that we already fixed, even down to the same lines the error was on.


VerseBuild: Error: C:/UEFN/MonkiIsland/Plugins/MonkiIsland/sys/published/Content/EliminationManager.verse(46,49, 46,53): Script error 3502: Referencing an overloaded function without immediately calling it is not yet implemented; or
VerseBuild: Error: C:/UEFN/MonkiIsland/Plugins/MonkiIsland/sys/published/Content/EliminationManager.verse(46,49, 46,53) : Script error 3502: Referencing an overloaded function without immediately calling it is not yet implemented; or
VerseBuild: Error: C:/UEFN/MonkiIsland/Plugins/MonkiIsland/sys/published/Content/EliminationManager.verse(47,56, 47,60): Script error 3502: Referencing an overloaded function without immediately calling it is not yet implemented; or
VerseBuild: Error: C:/UEFN/MonkiIsland/Plugins/MonkiIsland/sys/published/Content/EliminationManager.verse(47,56, 47,60) : Script error 3502: Referencing an overloaded function without immediately calling it is not yet implemented; or
LogSolarisEditor: Warning: Autosave disabled until no Verse build errors are detected! If you close the editor now it will remain disabled. It can be manually re-enabled from “Editor Preferences->Loading & Saving”
ValkyrieValidation: Error: MonkiIsland encountered error(s) while compiling Verse. See Verse Build Diagnostics.

It’s also saying it’s in the /sys/published/ folder, which seems to be separate from where my actual verse code, which we corrected and re-built, is currently in. I’m guessing it’s referencing the live version of the game that still has this verse code from before the update? (which all still works on the live version)

I’ve already tried:

  • Deleting original verse code, making a new separate new one.
  • Deleting project and loading from last sync (latest sync was right before the update)
  • Deleting cache from UEFN & Visual Studio
  • Launching another project that had no errors, and then returning to this one to try again.

But no matter what, this error seems to still show up! I’ve tried to solve this all day but nothing seems to get rid of this phantom error that doesn’t exist anywhere in my current verse code.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Launch project from latest sync
  • Fix verse code errors
  • Build verse code successfully
  • Launch session

Expected Result

  • Launching session with no verse errors

Observed Result

  • Verse Errors for Verse Code that was already fixed but still thinks it’s there
  • Session cannot launch



Island Code


Additional Notes

Other errors I had alongside this one the moment I opened this project after the 31.00 Update:

Error #2:

Randomly a verse file was added to my project in the new update titled “new_npc_behavior.verse”, which off the bat was giving me this verse error:

"Unknown identifier NavResultGoToNext. (3506) [Ln 148, Col 21]

verse code:

            # Check again to see if something has interfered with the NPC reaching the intended location and
            # print a message to the output log.
            if (NavResultGoToNext <> navigation_result.Reached):
                    Print(new_npc_behavior_message_module.OnNavigateErrorMessage(Agent,GoToPoint.X,GoToPoint.Y,GoToPoint.Z), ?Duration := AIDebugDrawTime)

Fix: Just erased the section above^, no more errors.

Error #3:

As of the 31.00 Update, Asset.digest.verse was giving me thousands of errors due to having a folder in my files titled “FNSG” while the project and verse path was also titled “FNSG” This was never an issue before 31.00. It gives me this error:

“Ambiguous identifier; could be or”

Fix: Renaming the affected Folder, updating the redirectors, and deleting old folder.

Just giving extra context incase any of these extra errors have anything to do with the main HUD message device verse error!

hi @D3NNI
This may be related to problems in this post where many similar problems are cross references
[LAUNCHING SESSION] - MAJOR Issue - General / Issues and Bug Reporting - Epic Developer Community Forums (

I think those might be unrelated, I couldn’t find anything in there that has to do with my errors :frowning: was there a fix in there that you think might help?

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I’ve made exactly the same mistake as you. Why did you add a new function for the agent, when you can already do it by setting up the device?

I can’t update my map anymore,
It represented months of work,
If anyone can help us fix the problem…

FORT-780350 incident has been created. Status is ‘Unconfirmed’.

Duplicate of SOL-7017

hi @D3NNI @BazidomJr ,

Even if you fixed the code there is a Verse Error from the Solaris Verve Compiler

LogSolarisEditor: Warning: Autosave disabled until no Verse build errors are detected! If you close the editor now it will remain disabled. It can be manually re-enabled from “Editor Preferences->Loading & Saving”

You have had saving disabled

It can be manually re-enabled from “Editor Preferences->Loading & Saving”

These are the correct setting if you DONT have the box ticked your updates are NOT saved they remain in the Vs Code paste buffer, even though Verse code has compiled successfully.
If you are using Revision Control you must Check in Updates because thats the copy Solaris Verse Complier,

If you keep forgetting to check out . Tick the button at bottom picture
“Automatically Checkout on Asset Modification”

Keep plenty of URC snapshot Checkout before modification

@Jimbohalo10 No we definitely have saving enabled, it only turns Auto-Save off after attempting to launch session and the verse errors pop up. Plus regardless we manually save all the time to be extra sure! I fear this issue is something out of our control, hopefully Epic can look into this asap as it’s a major issue. I’ve seen many other posts too about how people still see errors for things that have already been fixed / deleted from their projects, blocking them completely from launching session.

Hi @D3NNI - this is related to Fortnite Ecosystem v31.00 with Known Issues - #10 by Flak

Hi @Flak ,

I invite you to go and see this forum which talks about the DENNI problem in more detail and which will help you to understand the problem better.

For other people searching for the NavResultGoToNext error in UEFN as of 31.00, it seems as if since this is first defined within the race: loop, it’s considered as underfined during validation

This looks like a validation error to me – specifically, a new validation error as of version 31.00. I’m assuming the validator is considering NavResultGoToNext as non-existent despite the race having completed immediately before the “if” statement. (Seems to me like it was defined on the first pass of the race, but simply has a null value – likely its original behavior.)

# Leveraging concurrency to wait until the NPC reaches its destination, while the calls to look back at its origin point 
# and drawing a debug arrow never completes, continuing, ensures only the NavigateTo can win the race.
    # Move back to its starting position.
    NavResultGoToNext := Navigatable.NavigateTo(NavTargetEnd)

    # Sets NPC to look at its previous position which will make it walk backwards. 
    # This is meant to show the utility of the focus interface.

        DrawDebugLookAt(Character, GoToPoint) 

# Check again to see if something has interfered with the NPC reaching the intended location and
# print a message to the output log.
if (NavResultGoToNext = navigation_result.Unreachable):
        Print(witch_npc_behavior_message_module.OnNavigateErrorMessage(Agent,GoToPoint.X,GoToPoint.Y,GoToPoint.Z), ?Duration := AIDebugDrawTime)
    # This tells the NPC to wait for this amount of time in seconds.
    Navigatable.Wait(?Duration := MoveToWaitDuration)

As a workaround, either initialize NavResultGoToNext before the race: concurrency loop, or just comment out the subsequent if/Debug block.

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