Subtract Static Mesh 2023

I have a question about this post that posted Subtract Static Mesh through Modeling Editing Mode in Unreal Engine 5?

If I make a hole/trim (cut with modleing mode) to a mesh, it is saved with the modified polygons. It’s just what I don’t want. “Imagine if I regret or change some position”… re-import everything…

What I’m looking for is a similar way as they have in geometry actors. That it be movable (the subtraction object) and above all “that it does not modify the static mesh”

Is there any way that a mesh is movable and makes a hole?
For example, a Blueprint or the geometry actors? Or some system that I don’t know?
Any volume that can do this effect or something?

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During editing, you can see the hole


writing to a new object is the default.

But if you mean at runtime, then you’ll need to look at geometry scripting

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I’ve tried it and it’s not what I’m looking for.
What this does in a “semi-manual” way:
1 - Create the mesh
2 - Create the hole (box)
2.1 - Create a box subtract mesh in real time.
3 - You create so that it can move

But all this is done on “the created mesh…” which is not what I’m looking for. I look for it to work for any static mesh.

What I am looking for is an independent object, for example I add n objects and I want “that object” to serve me for the others.

Besides, in this way you cannot copy the boxes (subscract) independently of the main mesh. You have to add one by one N boxes (substract) for each section. It becomes tedious slow and unproductive.

If I have to modify the objects one by one and others by putting different boxes, on top of that you have to link the mesh (instead of creating it)… it becomes impossible.
What I need is:
1 - From any type of mesh (in this case static mesh)

For example.

  • I put any object, with the mesh make half of it disappear (by simply dragging like a volume).
  • I put a car, make it convertible
  • Put a vase, hide half
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I think the only way will be from the modeling tool and delete the vertices you don’t need…

Sounds worse than option 1 :slight_smile:

Maybe a plugin?

Sounds like the first option breaking the polygonal model, instead of hiding it. In this case you will have to re-import the model if you want to return to its default state. Nothing practical.

I’m looking at the complement. €135. A little expensive.
I’m looking at the flow and you have to add a “mesh” to it. It does not do this for all meshes. We are at the same starting point that I mentioned.

Glad to know I’m not the only one who wants to do this.
Look this guy is doing something similar but for his project

You will have to remove the vertices from your model by breaking the model. And if you want to incorporate the door later? to import again… what happens if the vertices are the whole wall? you break the wall.

Can’t UE5 do the same with static mesh as geometry?

It’s something like this.
But this guy is a genius. I want it at compile time and he has it at run time.

What he does is “break the mesh” at run time but when he exits he regene
rates. This guy is GOD.

But I do not know how to do it In my editor at compile time…

If you want to cut a door in a building mesh, it’s 10 seconds with the geometry tool.

And the god you’re talking about, above, is just using the geometry script I was talking about eariler.

I’m looking for the same functionality as when you create 2 geometric boxes and one of them has the subtract function; and that if you are wrong by a few millimeters or simply want to move the “subtract” type box to another side in the future, that is a moment.

Imagine that you and I do a project and we have this.

and now I say to you, “hey, move him and stretch him up a little more”, 3seg after

If I ask you the same with a static mesh you will have to do:

1 - Delete the current model
2 - Import the model again
3 - Add everything you need to the model (many things)
4 - Do what I have asked you.

You see the difference?

While in geometric models this is a second, in static meshes when you do something like that “you have to modify the vertices and polygons” and finally apply and this is permanently, just what I don’t want.

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So you want the ‘box cutter’ tool from Blender, in UE5.

You can get close with geo scripts, but that won’t let you modify a static mesh ( your building ).

The engine just doesn’t do this at the moment.

Isn’t there a way to convert a static mesh into a geometry “actor”? or wrap it in a geometry type “actor” and have this do the same thing as geometry?

Sorry for insisting so much. I vaguely remember there was something to fix this.

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Not sure, sorry :frowning:

Its called non-desteuctive editing, but game engines obviously rarely support it.

Blender does. So does Zbrush. So does Houdini.

So does the engine for landscapes with landscape layers.

The reason this isnt supported for geometry is that for all in engine applications you need a single mesh as a final output.

Could they make it work? Sure. But it comes with very high computational/runtime costs, which would lower the editor’s computation/frame rate, so that is likely why they haven’t so far.

You can try messing around in c++ with the fracture generator for chaos. It’s the closest thing to non-destructive editing currently in engine for meshes…

I realize this does not help the problem.
I’ll keep hoping for a slightly more realistic solution like booleans.