Stylized Graphics Thread - What are you working on?

Wow, your whole post looks quite nice.

One question. I assume you’re using dynamic lighting for the day/night system, if so does the cave interior look as dark as here during the day?

Here’s what both scenes look like without the effect.

Yeah my approach to making these materials has usually been to cannibalize parts of other materials I’ve made which leads to the messiness. Thankfully I’m the only person that has to use any of this so keeping things organized and commented isn’t necessary, but I still need to get better at doing that.

I’ll try and have a video or gif by late Friday. I still have a lot of school work to get through between today and tomorrow so I should have free time to make one by then.

Yes and yes :slight_smile:

Interesting. I’ve always had issues with interiors looking too bright or getting lit by the exterior sun. Do you disable the sun lights when a player enters an interior or is it purely created through shadows?

Thanks so much for your interest and your feedback, I really appreciate both! I’ve primarily been doing the world design for our project, and have been trying to decide just how much detail should go into the pieces, balancing enough to break monotony, but keeping it low enough to serve the aesthetic we’re after. I’ll take your feedback into consideration moving forward, so thank you so much!

It’s created through shadows, our skylight intensity is also affected by the time of day system (using a static hdri map) and is overall fairly low to allow the sharp contrast between lit areas and shaded areas, so our caves are, by our TOD settings, naturally dark :slight_smile:

and I’ve updated the original post with links to tutorials on how I did elements of my project. (Finally, sorry it took so long!)

Great tutorial by @AzzaMat on how to create a Cel Shader!

Wow!Graphics is looking very lovely!Incredible gameplay showcase.Well done I’m proud of you.

Nice work! Could you show us how does it look in motion? Thanks!

Did a big update to the initial post with my latest work and some tutorial links! What are you’ll making?

wow, keep on posting. You guys and girls are showing off some nice work!

Why is it, that your cel shader material is not working with dynamic lighting? (according to the tut, it runs with static)

Hey MeMe, It does run with dynamic light source. I see where you might be confused - I mention ‘and that’s the base Cel Shader complete! (with a static light source)’. By ‘static light source’ I mean a light that is not going to change direction, it’s always in a set position - rather than the static/stationary/dynamic light type.

The second part of the tutorial shows you how to adjust the shader to work with updating a light’s angle dynamically at run-time. Hope that clears it up!

Great thread!

For anyone who is intrested, here is a Kuwahara filter:

//InScreenTextrue: From the scene texture node in the material. Although it is not used in the code below, it is necessary to call SceneTextureLookup().
//InSceneResolution: From the scene texture node
//InUV: Use texture coordinate 0.
//InRadius: Radius around a pixel the filter checks the value of the other pixels. Default 4.

float n = float((InRadius + 1) * (InRadius + 1));

float3 m[4];
float3 s[4];

for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){
	m* = float3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
	s* = float3(0.0,0.0,0.0);

float3 Color;

for(int i = -InRadius; i <= 0; ++i)
	for(int j = -InRadius; j <= 0; ++j)
		Color = SceneTextureLookup(InUV.xy + float2(i,j) / InScreenResolution.xy, 14, false).xyz;
		m[0] += Color;
		s[0] += Color * Color;

for(int i = -InRadius; i <= 0; ++i)
	for(int j = -InRadius; j <= 0; ++j)
		Color = SceneTextureLookup(InUV.xy + float2(i,j) / InScreenResolution.xy, 14, false).xyz;
		m[0] += Color;
		s[0] += Color * Color;

for(int i = -InRadius; i <= 0; ++i)
	for(int j = 0; j <= InRadius; ++j)
		Color = SceneTextureLookup(InUV.xy + float2(i,j) / InScreenResolution.xy, 14, false).xyz;
		m[1] += Color;
		s[1] += Color * Color;

for(int i = 0; i <= InRadius; ++i)
	for(int j = 0; j <= InRadius; ++j)
		Color = SceneTextureLookup(InUV.xy + float2(i,j) / InScreenResolution.xy, 14, false).xyz;
		m[2] += Color;
		s[2] += Color * Color;

for(int i = 0; i <= InRadius; ++i)
	for(int j = -InRadius; j <= 0; ++j)
		Color = SceneTextureLookup(InUV.xy + float2(i,j) / InScreenResolution.xy, 14, false).xyz;
		m[3] += Color;
		s[3] += Color * Color;

float TempSigma;
float MinSigma = 100.0;
float3 FinalColor;

for(int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
	m[k] /= n;
	s[k] = abs(s[k] / n - m[k] * m[k]);
	TempSigma = s[k].x + s[k].y + s[k].z;
	if(TempSigma < MinSigma)
		MinSigma = TempSigma;
		FinalColor = m[k];

return FinalColor;


THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing this! I have been looking everywhere for an example of this!

Great Thread!
Anyone any update on a watercolor shader effect?