Since last year versions I often get these strange shadows. I tried changing scalability settings because it looked like a problem related to it but still nothing. This is an archviz projects so I use very high settings, high resolution for lightmaps and I modify some values in baselightmass.ini file. I boosted values for NumHemisphereSamples, DirectPhotonDensit, DirectIrradiancePhotonDensity, IndirectPhotonDensity, IndirectIrradiancePhotonDensity and lowered value for IndirectPhotonSearchDistance. Can someone help me, please?
The wall is a simple plane 2.4x2.7m and has the resolution of 512px. I don’t use lightmass portals because they extend light building time a lot and I can’t notice the difference in results with and without them. I find increasing sky lighting bounces value to be much better solution than adding lightmass portals. Anyway, this started happening a year ago. I can’t remember what was the first version in which this problem started to occur but I used to build lighting for the same scene in 2 different versions. In the older one the scene would be perfectly fine and in the newer version I had these shadows. I even asked about it but never got and answer.
I think since we have lightmass portals there is no need to change anything in baselightmass.ini
Your wall simply has a low resolution lightmap! You can clearly see the blocks!