Strange shading of an object in the distance

Hello. I have a knitted pouf in my scene. The threads are made by geometry. The pouf is divided into 5 subobjects to optimize lightmaps. The object looks normal up close, but it turns dark at a distance. This problem only manifests itself with baked lighting. I tried to disable DNS in viewport options, and then completely in the project and it didn’t help.
Enlarging the persentage screen helps, but it works exactly the same as when approaching an object. The root of the problem could not be found.
I also checked ambient occlusion - it didn’t help. I thought about distance fields, but as I understand it, it only works with dynamic lighting.
There are 3 lighting sources in the scene that stand in the Stationary. I thought about them, but when I removed them, nothing changed.
I also tried hiding the Post Process. Just as futile. There is no problem when recording a video or photo. The problem is visible only in the viewport and in the game.


Looks like an issue with texture mipmaps, you can control mipmaps on a texture quite easily. See if that resolves the issues you are facing.

That was my initial thought too, but OP states it only occurs with baked lighting. So I think it specifically may be due to the lightmaps/shadowmaps mipping causing the dark parts to filter into the light parts.
I would use LODs and switch the knit to a non geometric version at that distance. At that scale it is impossible to discern the knit mesh, so the detail is just wasted anyway. Just swap it for a solid pouf at that point.
Maybe consider Parallax Occlusion Mapping for your mesh instead of geometry.

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Thanks for the advice, I will definitely do it. For me, it’s still all just in words. I don’t have much experience in UE yet.

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