Great stuff! I’m using as a template for my projects. Right on man! Keep it up.
[MENTION=32365]Paul Eckhardt[/MENTION] - thanks for the link and the suggestion. Sadly this has not worked (good looking template though and neat breakdown video!)
Previously when I have been able to package (at home) and run I still had an issue with both templates not picking up the HMD tracking. Do I need to input the Stereo On/Off command from console? if so where do type this in? (sorry for the n00b question. ’ / ~ (tilde) / tab did not appear to have a command line that I could type into…
In the level blueprint, adding an “execute console command” with “stereo on” as the string to event begin play should fix the issue.
If you want to enable the console (~) in a packaged build for other reasons, you would need to set the build config to “development” instead of “shipping” before packaging it. It’s under File -> Package Project -> Build Configuration.
You can also try alt + enter, although I don’t remember if this works in a packaged build or not.
Any suggestions on how to restart the level correctly? When I do I get a white circle in both bottom corners of the screen.
First of all many thanks for such a great template, saved tons of hours and it’s great for prototyping !
I’ve posted a question on AnswerHUB, though I decided to ask here as well. I’m trying to implement infinite/endless runner type of movement into the template. First thought was to place the player on moving platform and simply get the platform moving constantly in one direction (ditching timeline and playing with X/Y floats with platform mechanic), however it might be a problem when I’d decide to go for procedural generation of the level. Another thought is to simply add tick to movement axis node and set the direction to wherever HMD is pointing to (forward vector or something). It is just a simple concept yet to be tested since I’ll be able to properly give it a go tomorrow. Either way I’d appreciate any thoughts on how to get this working so it’d not need any complex solutions and would fit the concept of procedural level generation.
NVM: Got it working by doing below:
I ran into the same issue. You need to remove the Android Virtual Thumbsticks from the settings of the project you are working on. Here is the guide:
I also found that if you are working on multiple developer stations you have to do it on the settings of each one. And if you are packaging a build make sure you disable it on the particular developer station you are using to package it or it will be retained.
Hope this helps.
Hello, I know that it have been asked but… can you guys create a bow functionality? Yesterday they made an live video of an “Arrow tutorial”, I thought it was “from scratch tutorial” but it’s an already created project and they only explain all the things already working. I’m a programmer, new in unreal engine and i’m just learning about visual scripting, so this tutorial is quite confusing to me. Maybe you can understand it better and create a bow functionality easily based on that.
Here is the forum thread:
Here is the video:
Hello, thanks for the great template. Have one question however. I apologize if it has been asked earlier. Search didn’t return anything.
How can you properly scale the pawn? I’m demoing one of the older project that has been converted from UDK which didn’t use real scale and I’m trying to scale down the pawn instead of scaling up the level since it’ll be too much work. I scaled down the pawn by scaling down the DefaultSceneRoot within Vive_Pawn_COMPLETE which seemed to work. But something doesn’t look right. The floor “feels” like it’s at about my knee height even tho when I crouch down, it is at my foot and everything seems like it’s warped a little. I played with FOV of the pawn camera which doesn’t seem to do anything. Is there proper way of scaling the pawn?
Thanks again for great work.
Edit: NVM, I figured it out. Used “Set World to Meters Scale” in level blueprint.
Another question if I may.
I was wondering if it’s possible to reverse Ultraman mechanic, what I mean by that is whether it’s possible to shrink a player instead of going large.
Yes, it’s the same idea. However, you gotta watch out for texture/model details. And if you do any physics, scale is kinda tricky if you want to model in 20x real world size.
Hi all,
First of all many thanks for all involved in creating this, I love how the community can create stuff like this! I’m totally new at all this, so sorry if this question is really obvious. I read the pdf for the template but I guess the development of the template is going much faster than the documentation can keep up as there as some differences I think.
I have engine 4.12.5 installed and the template version 1.10.1 so are there currently any issues because of this combination? Should I use a different UE version at this moment?
Before I start doing any changes myself, I just created a project based on the template, packaged it and ran the result. Although most things seem to work, everything looks very blurry. The documentation mentions a setting about monitor output (which is set pretty low) is this the reason for the blurriness? Or is this because of the default of the scalability settings?
Thanks again!
I get this errors when starting the project. Anybody else getting these errors?
Error /Game/Vive/Vive_Map : Can’t find file for asset. /Game/Geometry/1M_Cube2_Blueprint
Error /Game/Vive/Vive_Map : Can’t find file for asset. /Game/Geometry/1M_Cube_Blueprint
Error /Game/Vive/Vive_Map : Can’t find file for asset. /Game/Geometry/Platform
Error /Game/Vive/Vive_Map : Can’t find file for asset. /Game/Geometry/Sphere_Blueprint
Error /Game/Vive/Vive_Map : Can’t find file for asset. /Game/Geometry/business-561387_Mat
Error /Game/Vive/Vive_Map : Can’t find file for asset. /Game/Geometry/1M_Cube
Info Failed to load /Game/Geometry/Sphere_Blueprint.Sphere_Blueprint_C Referenced by PersistentLevel
Info Failed to load /Game/Geometry/1M_Cube2_Blueprint.1M_Cube2_Blueprint_C Referenced by PersistentLevel
Info Failed to load /Game/Geometry/1M_Cube_Blueprint.1M_Cube_Blueprint_C Referenced by PersistentLevel
Info Failed to load /Game/Geometry/Platform.Platform_C Referenced by PersistentLevel
Info Failed to load /Game/Geometry/1M_Cube.1M_Cube Referenced by PlatformSimple_3
Warning CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘StaticMeshComponent0’: 1M_Cube2_Blueprint_C /Game/Vive/Vive_Map.Vive_Map:PersistentLevel.1M_Cube2_Blueprint
Warning CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘StaticMeshComponent0’: 1M_Cube_Blueprint_C /Game/Vive/Vive_Map.Vive_Map:PersistentLevel.1M_Cube_Blueprint
Warning CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘StaticMesh’: Platform_C /Game/Vive/Vive_Map.Vive_Map:PersistentLevel.PlatformSequence_6
Warning CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘StaticMeshComponent0’: Sphere_Blueprint_C /Game/Vive/Vive_Map.Vive_Map:PersistentLevel.Sphere_Blueprint
Don’t know why but it worked when I used is as a template instead of project.
Forgot to say thanks for the template while I was in here. Great Work.
Does it matter what kind of settings I choose when I create a project for this template? Are you supposed to use “Mobile/tablet” or “Desktop”? “Maximum quality” or “Scalable 3D or 2D”? I mean for the template to work as you intended?
So I found the laser beam node, but I have no idea how to make the beam thicker.
My guess is that it’s created the same way as the debug cylinder, but I have no idea how to add the options to these nodes to increase thickness.
Any help would be appreciated.
I don’t think you can have a thicker linetrace. You could probably do a “draw debug line” after the linetrace though. That one should have the same options as the draw debug cylinder.
Hello everyone! I have a issue of graphic quality for a long time! When I run the .exe after I’ve packaged my project I found the graphic quality became lower, it is not the same graphic quality I saw in edit VR preview. I also add the command ‘r.ScreenPercentage300’ in the level blueprint but still no good.
I’m sorry if someone has asked the same question before.
Anyone here try or succeed at migrating the SteamVR template features over to Rift/Touch?
My day 1 try at it produced some interesting results. Mainly scaling is a bit off but I am still currently investigating.
I’m just having a poke around this template, but I can’t seem to build it as an exe. The build just fails with ERROR: No modules found to build. All requested binaries were already part of the installed engine data.
Any ideas? I haven’t added anything to the file, just a default build and export for win 64.
This thread is a gold mine, thanks everybody!!!