Steam VR Template

@ Ok I’ll try that

Ok, I figured out my build problem.

When creating a project, for some reason an extra " projects" leaked into the settings. Not sure where this came from; my Unreal install directory is d:\unreal. Other projects built fine. So I combed through the log and found this:

Under Project Settings → Project → Packaging :


I just had to change "d:\unreal projects" to d:\unreal and it compiled fine. (Run from the editor was working).

Also, the staging directory was set to i:\downloads … so I changed that.

Now, to figure out Ultraman and the jet bike :slight_smile:

I still have some questions, but I’ve got the docs, looking through those. Looks good so far …

== John ==

The .png just looks weird, I didn’t think I saved it with transparent, but it’s pretty bizarre. Here it is in jpg:


Is this in blueprints or in code? I have been using blueprints. I also spawn a pawn OnLogin but haven’t tried with the plugin controllers yet though. I think my problem is before that. I have everything working apart from when the client connects using a HMD. When the client enters the map it seems to reset the server pawn or it removes its possession or something. Are you going to release a template or something we can check out? Thanks a lot for the help.

Hey @Diem, did you only plug that Delay to that “Call Out Platform” or somewhere else? I’m having trouble getting it to work.


I think I found what’s wrong, I just replaced the “Move” function with “teleport_action” as shown below. That seems to fix it.

Yes I just plugged the delay int the call out_platform node. When I did what you did in your edit I got a strange blink time effect so I dont used it :slight_smile:

Mmmm yes, I did exactly what you @Diem did and it doesn’t work, just a black the screen, and did you set a blink time other than 0? it is working for me. Strange.
Thanks anyway!

Ah I ran into that, sorry I would have warned people but I thought I did it myself by accident, must be from the template. If I remember correctly the pawn is set to be controlled by player 1 and set to auto posses, so when a new player logs in the server gets auto possessed into the new pawn. Remove the auto possess and default player in the pawns settings and you should be good to go.

@aviel08 Yes i’ve a blink time of 0.5 the only things it matter is that works for both of us :slight_smile:

Hi, thanks for this template. Everything works fine but I have one question. When I use transportation mode 2 (with the laserpointer line), it always perform a double click. You move once when you press the button and another step when you release the button. How can I change that? Is it possible to combine the grabbing function with transportation mode 2? When I testest transportation mode 2, I wasnt able to pick up stuff. Only when I use transportation mode 1. Thanks for the help

ha no way, thanks so much! Been wondering what the hell has been going on, you are right it was from the template. I wouldn’t have ever noticed that I don’t think. I was about to start from scratch and get synced multiplayer Vive pawns working first but that has saved me a load of time, cheers! Just been having a little go with your motion controller grip plugin as well, nice stuff.

The plugin is going to go over a pretty significant quality of life improvement when I merge the networked branch into the main. It isn’t ready to release yet but it improves just about everything and adds a bunch of new features.

hello, i have tried to migrate the Vive Pawn Complete on my level but it says Bad Blueprint… Only for this one, the vive pawn vehicle works fine but theres a problem with the compiling of the Complete one

@ParadiseVR @aviel08
I’m currently swamped with work but should be able to push a new version this week. This would include multiplayer-ready (ready for new plugin multiplayer) tested with 2 Vives, small bugs fixed, small additions and new doc.
@Panther1987 Grabbing should be independent of locomotion I’ll do some tests

Anybody able to help, am trying to load this up but it crashes at 45% reliably every time, either using the file as a project, or using it to create a new project from the template version.

Hey guys looking for a tiny bit of help with the teleportation. I used portions of teleport method 1 in my own blueprint and everything is working in general except the debug cylinder isn’t laying flat on the floor. It’s rotated like 80 degrees in one direction. So sounds like something random and probably simple. I can’t post my custom blueprint now but can tomorrow if no one has any obvious idea why this is happening.

EDIT: figured out my problem.The location of my break hit result was hooked into my set teleport location…when it should have been pointed directly into the start of the draw debug cylinder.

Hi Guys. First of all - thanks loads for making this, its great!
I’ve made a new project using the template and attempted to package it without making any changes at all and it fails to build with an “Unknown error” message. Any ideas on things I’d need to do prior to getting it to package, just in case I’ve missed something…which I probably have…
P.S I’ve got visual studio installed, which I believe was required?

Hello - just to say thanks to the community here for what looks like a really great template. Looks amazing.

I’m very keen to get started but have for a couple of weeks had issues running this, although I’m sure I’m just doing something fundamentally wrong - so I have some questions.

  1. Main issue is once hooked upto the Vive and running a build it comes up on the PC monitor but does not register or track the HMD or controllers at all or show up in the VR display.

Is this to do with console usage? I’m new to UE4 I have no idea how to use this, beyond the standard ’ key - is there somewhere I can type in commands? I see the debug camera etc and various options. IS there a console for text and what do I need to enter here?
[MENTION=32365]Paul Eckhardt[/MENTION] (I think?) mentioned needing to run the console and type a command to get get his template to run with the HMD , but I couldn’t get that to work either…is this the same issue? Sorry if I have missed this in the documentation somewhere…

  1. A secondary issue is of packaging and a ‘UE4Editor-SteamVR_Template.dll’ error. I’ve had issues compiling via Visual Studio 2015 although it appears to be installed and running correctly…

At the moment I’m getting “The Following modules are missing… would you like to rebuild them now”.
Then “SteamVR_Template could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from the source manually.”

I have tried at home but this is not an issue with 4.12.2 or my setup there.

As a bit of background to the above:

  • I’m now running 4.12.3 and using SteamVR_Template-master (downloaded from on 160706) as a project - and so have removed the Config/TemplateDefs.ini

-Also following @JGwinner’s suggestions:
updated path for Vive_Map.umap (using forwardslash not backslash for filepaths as I first thought)
Changed staging directory from i:\downloads

  • Have also checked that my project / file directory paths all have underscores and no gaps

  • When packaging I’m running Visual Studio 2015 and using File/New C++ class, None, Create Class


If using the plugin (and I think the current template has it default) you’ll need to generate a source file and add the plugin to the projects build.cs dependancies. I thought this had been fixed by now but it appears to still be a problem with BP only projects.


PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "VRGripMotionControllerPlugin" });

I packaged out a test project for Proteus today and ran into it again, its been on their TOFIX list for so long that I just thought it was corrected already.

@steveblake - I made a totally different template - you could check if it works -Layx29lUziQ

You could also try running unreal editor as admin. (“C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.12\Engine\Binaries\Win64”)