Steam Online Subsystem Session Search always Empty

Issue: Steam OSS Find Session Result is always empty. (0)

Please find the image attached for visual of Debug values.

Engine: Unreal 5.2
Project Type: C++
Online Subsystem: Steam
Steam App ID: Default 480 ( Space War )

Be able to join steam session using online multiplayer in Unreal 5.2 C++

Current Status:
Able to creating session but when trying to connect a session, SessionSearch->SearchResults.Num() is always coming in as 0.

Things i tried already:
After reading a few forums , these lines needed to be there to be able to join, i tried and they are already there in my testing build.

sessionSettings->bUsesPresence = true;
sessionSettings->bUseLobbiesIfAvailable = true;

How am i testing:
I am using 2 different laptops , 2 different steam accounts, BUT same network.
not sure if this is helpful, but just letting the most detail out of me.

Creating Game Session Code

//Called When pressing the 1 key
	if (!OnlineSessionInterface.IsValid())

	auto existingSessions = OnlineSessionInterface->GetNamedSession(NAME_GameSession);
	if (existingSessions != nullptr)


	TSharedPtr<FOnlineSessionSettings> sessionSettings = MakeShareable(new FOnlineSessionSettings());
	sessionSettings->bIsLANMatch = false;
	sessionSettings->NumPublicConnections = 4;
	sessionSettings->bAllowJoinInProgress = true;
	sessionSettings->bAllowJoinViaPresence = true;
	sessionSettings->bShouldAdvertise = true;
	sessionSettings->bUsesPresence = true;
	sessionSettings->bUseLobbiesIfAvailable = true;
	const ULocalPlayer* localPlayer = GetWorld()->GetFirstLocalPlayerFromController();
	OnlineSessionInterface->CreateSession(*localPlayer->GetPreferredUniqueNetId(), NAME_GameSession, *sessionSettings);

Joining Game Session / Checking the joining session

GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("Searching For Sessions")));
	//Find Game Sessions
	if (!OnlineSessionInterface.IsValid())
		if (GEngine)
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("Game Session Interface Invalid")));


	SessionSearch = MakeShareable(new FOnlineSessionSearch());
	SessionSearch->MaxSearchResults = 1000000;
	SessionSearch->bIsLanQuery = false;
	const ULocalPlayer* localPlayer = GetWorld()->GetFirstLocalPlayerFromController();

	OnlineSessionInterface->FindSessions(*localPlayer->GetPreferredUniqueNetId(), SessionSearch.ToSharedRef());

Code Reference: Unreal Engine 5 C++ Multiplayer Shooter | Udemy

it needs to be set querySettings

can you explain in detail?
Because QuerySettings no longer has ‘SEARCH_PRESENCE’. if that is what you are talking about.

for future purpose whoever faces this issue:

Even though IDE showing that symbol is not found

just compile it and it will compile without any error.

and session is connected.

found out that in 5.1.1 IDE identified that symbol.
5.2 has this issue.

Thanks @k_rajesh

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