Stationary lights in real-time GI projects without lightmaps

Is there any benefit of using static or stationary flagged lights in projects that only use Lumen/Realtime - and lightmaps are not intended at all?

I’m asking because the documentation on this seems a bit flakey. I know the difference between stationary/static/movable in relation to lightmaps. But what if the project isn’t using any lightmaps at all?

Would it be best practice to then flag all the lights as movable, even though some of them are not intended to be moving? (That’s precisely where my confusion is coming from, by the way).

The whole point of static lighting, is you get to make some really nice GI beforehand. But if nothing has a lightmap, there’s nowhere to put this information.

If you don’t build light, you’ll also have the preview message on all the shadows.


True enough. I somehow assumed the preview message would only happen in PIE. So just to make dead sure here: If the project is realtime lighting only: All lights to movable?



Maybe the preview message goes away after packaging, I’ve never tried. But you’re not getting any benefit of static lights without lightmaps.

Unless this is aimed at mobile, you can use moveable.

If you’re having performance problems, it’s probably too many lights :slight_smile:


Thanks a ton for confirming. It’s not for mobile and I’m aware of light overlap optimization. In fact, I’m (ab)using Lumen to cheat my way past the attenuation range here and there where it’s needed :wink: