Static mesh - not behaving like I would expect

I am trying to emulate the wall that comes in the starter content of UE4 - I want a mesh that I can put materials and textures on, on a per face basis (not the whole object in one drag). I know this is not unreal engines fault, and that of my own, but I have no idea how to fix this.

Here is my current wall (cloned accross 4 times to show instances)

link:Plain wall - no materials yet

Which is grand until I try to add a material, I get three main issues :

  1. It adds the material to all faces of the selected instance (not just the face I dropped it onto)
  2. The material is in some massive resolution
  3. It appears to just tile in a “fit to page” manner, to the entire object

Here is a screenshot of the issue :

link:Plain wall - no materials yet

All help greatly appreciated!

that is because your uv-map isnt set up properly.
either that or use a texture coordinate node on the material and make sure the texture tiles more.
(increase the tex.coordinate.node. value’s.

Thanks for your help, do you know how I might do this? Is there an article on the unreal wiki? I’m new to this, and come from a purely programming background, so I am a trying to ramp up.

Hmm, in case of unwrapping do a google search on “your 3d app name” + unwrapping tutorial. that should get you what you want.

as for the material nodes: Unreal Engine Material Expressions Reference | Unreal Engine Documentation

Apologies for just giving general info atm, I am very busy.
If I find some time I might be able to find some more accurate links.

I am currently using Maya LT - I will look around and then drop a line in here in an hour or so.

I followed the following video :

I ended up with the same outcome as him in my maya environment, but when I brought it over to unreal, its even worse than before… :frowning:

It doesn’t even look decent with plain material anymore.

Take a look at this thread when dealing with modular pieces with static lighting.

This will just about cover almost any topic regarding seams and the best way to solve them. Do not use the static lighting scale option. I marked that as a warning. Not a good idea unless you’re doing some ArchViz work, imo.

You may also want to adjust your Lightmap resolution from the 32 that is default to something higher like 64, 128, 256, if you haven’t already.

Sorry I didn’t pick an answer yet, was out of town getting a medical for my US visa and couldn’t get near a computer, thanks for your help guys!

Can I choose this as an answer to accept it? I only appear to have an option to upvote it…

I’ve fixed it. :slight_smile: