Static Light change color when baked light


I have point lights where i want as colored light, the project is in VR so i want them as Static and I have forward render. But when I bake the light both in preview and medium the light that gets on the wall turns white but on the floor it shows the right color. This happens to all of my walls when I try to place copies of the light on other places to try to figure out if it’s the mesh that is the problem.

My walls are basically cubes and a decent thickness imo. My walls and floor are material instances from the same base material.

When i change the lightsource to stationary i keeps the color. Normals look correct when I have it in blender, UV map is not overlapping and in unreal for light UV doesn’t look overlapping or wrong.
When I look at the lightmap density my walls and floor is black. even if i change the overridden light map res up to 4k the color doesn’t change. Not sure though of the liability of lightmap density in UE 5.0 after trying to google this.

Would appreciate it if anyone could explain the logic that is happening or some sort of bug or so on.

The light on the first photo the point lights are on Satatic and the spot light is on Stationary. Spotligth have the same color as the pointlight that is pink. Light is built on medium.

Got it Semi Solved after chatting with people. Seams like in material at a point in the gray scale color it just stops take in the color of light when baked.
Was also kinda same if a base color texture was “too” dark.

Still though dont understand why Stationary light workd but not static.