Started PCG in 5.2 and facing many problems and one of them is that this happens when generated content through PCG(But a great update tho!)

Hi @SAM13900 checkout the Course on PCG and the Electric Dreams example project
Course: Electric Dreams Environment: Unpacked - General / Tutorial & Course Discussions - Epic Developer Community Forums

Building your own Environments - Electric Dreams Environment: Unpacked (

Hey @Jimbohalo10 Thanks for responding! But the actual problem here is that either the material, the PCG, or the viewport is acting up, and I am in need of a solution to this or else I won’t be able to experiment and explore more of this! So I am in need of a solution to this and would be grateful if you could help!

It would be helpful if you described exactly what you mean by “this.”
What is it about this image that you in particular don’t like?

I see a fair bit of what looks like vertical smudging, which maybe is some kind of motion blur, or just some kind of stretched textures in the assets. Is that what you’re talking about?
If so, what do the same assets look like when used without PCG?
And what frame rate are you running at?

As far as I understand, the trees appear to be blurry when generated.
There might be other factors at play instead of PCG. For example, are the trees only static meshes or are they blueprints and stuff?
Also, what are the pc specs you are running on?

Try using trees in the “PivotPainter” flavor, a lot of people have said that fixes it and I’ve had no issue with them.


Normal PCG graph generation nothing fancy.
Specs are CPU Ryzen 5 1400 GPU 1050ti. I know the specs are too low but in another project I did the same thing and the mesh generated properly.

Where can I access “PivotPainter” ?

It depends on the trees you’re using - something like MegaScans trees come in SimpleWind and PivotPainter, both in separate folders…

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I guess you got the problem right. The trees have some weird kind of motion blur in their texture. and without PCG, the asset looks normal as downloaded from megascans, and the Framerate is 15FPS which is being displayed in red as it is too much to handle!

Thank you @RecourseDesign this helped a lot and solved my problem!

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