I’m working on lighting a level for a game in which players use flash lights to navigate a backyard area at night. I’m using a movable directional light for the sun, and a movable skylight for ambient light.
The issue I’m running into is that whenever a player shines the light (a spotlight) towards the game camera (which is at a static position showing the field), the light seems to get occluded by the grass static mesh, giving off less light. I’m trying to avoid this because I want the player to be able to see the same cone of light from all angles.
Here’s an example: Cone A is what I get facing away from the camera actor. The Cone B is facing towards the camera. Note how it is barely visible.
Here’s a view from the other side. These are the same exact lights with same properties; however, I moved the camera around to the back, so now Cone B is on the left. The same problem persists where the light facing the camera loses visual effect.
So essentially I’m curious as to what actually causes this light “occlusion” to happen. Is there a light/static mesh property I can set to where I get the visual result of the Left cone regardless of direction?