i copy/paste some previous spot lights inside my level. when i built the lighting it gave me this error and when you press play, you don’t have anymore the lights inside the level.
Just let me know if i’m doing wrong
if you relocate the spot light it starts to work again
Hey Alberto,
What was the exact error you got and perhaps you could show us what it looks like? Does this only occur when you copy a spot light in your level?
Best Regards,
yep it occurs only when you copy/paste a light source, when you play the map the lights are completely missing (just the copy/paste). If I start the editor, open the map and press play no problem at all…but if i decide to build, it alert me about the error (see the attached .rar)
Hey the image isn’t showing up could you try putting it in again?
Dropbox - Error download from here
Hey Alberto,
Those errors are actually normal. The first one is just warning you there is no light importance volume. That is used to determine where to build light and where not to. So when you have huge levels but only certain parts the player will see you use those to prevent it from trying the building the entire lighting of the level. The second one is warning you your static mesh has wrapping UVs.
Why those lights are going out i’m not sure. Are you just doing the keyboard shortcut for copy and paste on them or alt dragging, etc.? Also does this happen in another project or just this one?
Best Regards,