And very simple setup with two opaque cubes and a plane with spiral blur shader. The problem is it’s blurring not just the objects behind the plane but objects before it too. Any ideas for workarounds?
I’ve got the solution for Opaque objects - setup is the same but custom node in SpiralBlur - SceneTexture node should be replaced with the code below. Basically it adds depthtest check and doesn’t blur object before the blurring plane (see example below - object on right is before the plane and not blurred).
While it works fine with translucent materials since they have “Render After DOF” option in material properties, it has a problem with volumetric materials. “Render After DOF” option seems to do nothing for volumetric materials, so I guess they’re not supported for this. Maybe using a scene capture 2d with volumetric objects hidden is indeed the solution for this, unless I find some other workaround. But if there are volumetrics before the blurring plane, then the patched spiralblur node will help.