Spherical Sky for Planet?

This may be a nooby question as I’m new to UE4, but stay with me here.

Essentially I have a earth like planet with its neighboring Moon & Sun.

I’m trying to create a spherical sky box with Night & Day cycles but when I use the default BP_Sky_Sphere it’s more of a dome instead of an actual sphere that’ll wrap around my planet.

If anyone could help me achieve the effect I’m looking for I’d be greatly appreciative.
Thank you for your time and consideration.


I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you’re trying to achieve… what do you mean by day/night cycle in SPACE? Where would your Sun “go down”?
Anyway if you want to make your own sky you can just create your own sphere mesh with your desired texture mapping (spherical instead of the editor’s dome) scale it up in the editor and adjust your spherical map to it with emissive turned on…

Yes, Sorry. I failed to explain myself correctly. The Sun would rotate clockwise around my Planet on the Z axis. Depending on the sun and its position adjacent to my planet it’ll cast light and illuminate it.
Making a dark & light side as the sun rotates around it.

I have this working the way I want it. What I’m confused on is…

1: Making a spherical Skybox “like atmosphere” around my planet with little to no distortions.
2: Setting the Skybox up to heavily depend on where the sun is positioned to dictate if it’s Morning, Noon, Dusk, Night. All that good stuff.